chapter 40

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amelia's POV

i sit at home alone waiting for mads to come back. she had said that she would be late home but she didn't exactly give a reason why. i'm assuming she is on her date with 'ed,' whoever he is, that was planned a couple days ago. i've been suspicious on why she won't tell me about him because usually she is so open and honest about things. i text jo and ask her if she knows anything about him and she says she has heard nothing about it either. so mads is hiding this secret from everyone. while deep in my thoughts i hear the door open.

"mads i'm watching the tv, come join me" i shout. i get no reply but hear footsteps walking towards the back of the sofa. 

"mils" i immediately recognise that it is zona's voice. i turn around with tears in my eyes. "i'm so sorry mils. i took this way to far and i should have never left. i want to be with you and i want to spend time with mads. these past few days have been so hard because i'm so used to being surrounded by you or mads and those hospital beds are not comfy at all" she says as i stand up to face her. "i've missed your sweet smile and the way you laugh and the cute little eyes you make when you want something from me. mads doesn't deserve her family to be split apart and i never want anything like this to happen again. there are going to be arguments every now and then, but we can deal with them like adults and not run off to the hospital whenever we want to hide from them. i'm sorry mils, and i love you. with all my heart" i am fully in tears now but i lean in to kiss her gently, wrapping my arms around her waist while she plays with my hair.

"zona, i'm sorry too. i should never have said that and none of it was your fault. i understand now that i was the one who made the final decision and i was the one who let her go and yes you had a small say but i was under no obligation to listen to you, so i'm sorry for everything that i said. and you're right, mads does not deserve any of this and i haven't told her what happened but i know she knows anyways. if she didn't she would have asked me about it or you, and so she is probably falling apart thinking she split us up. i love you more than ever and i never want to let you walk out of that door again." we are now both stood there with tears streaming down our faces and i embrace her warmth. "i missed you" i whisper.

"i think i missed you more. at least you got to see mads" she whispers passive aggressively. i ignore her statement and kiss her roughly before she picks me up and wraps my legs around her waist. she carries my upstairs and throws me down onto the bed...

i lay cuddled up in my beautiful girlfriends arms, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin contact that i had missed so much. before even consulting zona i grab my phone and call mads, telling her to come home. 

madison's POV

i pick up my stuff from the picnic and begin to head off. 

"wait, i'm coming with you madison" i turn around and see her running to catch up with me. 

"don't call me madison, call me maddy or something i don't know. i just don't like madison" i laugh

"how about maddy moo" we both laugh before i give her a disapproving look. "i'm serious" 

"no" she playfully argues with me about this the whole way home before she has to leave me. 

"bye eddie, i'll call you when i can"

"goodbye maddy moo" she kisses me before heading off in the opposite direction. i open the door to the house and let mum know i'm home. i hear no response so i wander into the living room hoping to see mum sat on the sofa. to my absolute shock i see some blonde hair from the doorway. 

"no way" i say before running into arizona's arms. "omg you don't know how much i've missed you" she wraps her arms around me and squeezes me until i can barely breathe. 

"i told you i had a good surprise for you" mum says startling me as i didn't even realise she was in the room. i bring my head away from arizona's chest and i keep my head down so no one notices i am crying. however, she puts her finger under my chin and forces me to face her.

"oh mads, your mother reacted in exactly the same way" we all laugh but mum comes to join us on the sofa. she snuggles up next to me and we all watch a movie together. finally everything is back to normal. 

"can i come to the hospital this weekend?" i ask completely out of the blue. 

"uhh i don't really see why not" mum replies. i nod and we continue watching the movie. the only reason i want to go to the hospital is to see jo and tell her about eden. i know i should be able to talk to mum and arizona about it and i know they won't judge me seeing and mum is bisexual and arizona is lesbian but i don't know it just doesn't feel right. i feel more comfortable telling jo as i've known her my entire life and i know nothing will change in our relationship. i keep thinking about what i'm going to say and think about every single scenario that could take place, even if i know it is highly unlikely. i begin to stress even more and start fidgeting with my fingers. mum and arizona give each other looks and i know they've noticed what is going on. 

"mads" arizona starts

"i'm fine" i say back before she can get any further. now is not the time to be discussing this with them. 

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