chapter 34

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amelia's POV

"mils... you literally mean the entire world to me. i couldn't imagine my life without you. making you my girlfriend is the best thing i think i've ever done and moving in made my life perfect. i love you, more than anything." i lean in and kiss her softly before lying down next to her and snuggling into her shoulder. i can't stop smiling and neither can zona. she wraps her arms around me before we drift off to sleep in each others arms. 

madison's POV

i wake up on the sofa next to jo but she is still sleeping so i try and get up as quietly as possible. i move to the kitchen and begin making pancakes for breakfast. i get out the best pan i could and try to figure out how her stove works. it's electric like mum's but there are different buttons. eventually i click something and i feel the stove starting to get hot. perfect. i make the pancakes and split the stack in two. i drizzle nutella over the top, cut up some stawberries and banana and drop them onto the plate. honestly it looks very professional; i just hope it tastes as good as it looks. 

i walk into the living room, place the plates on the coffee table and wiggle my way into jo's arms. she wraps her arms around me before properly waking up.

"morning mads, how did you sleep?" she asks me

"good thanks, i made you breakfast" i smile up at her. she looks down at the coffee table and grabs a plate. 

"wow dude this is delicious, how do you make pancakes this good?" 

"hmm just my special talent i guess?" we both laugh before tucking in to our food. 

"jo, what do you think mum would say if i asked to go to a party?"

"why? have you been invited to one?" she questions

"maybe, and i really want to go, but i don't know if mum will trust me."

"i would trust you mads. i know you know how to keep yourself safe. you know not to drink, no drugs, no smoking and all of that. if you were asking me, i would say yes, you can go, but it isn't my decision really, it's amelia's. if you need backup though i'm here to help"

"thank you, i love you" 

"i love you more" jo pulls me into a hug. we eventually get up and get ready for the day before heading to the hospital to meet mum and arizona. 

amelia's POV

as much as i had loved spending the night with zona, and having our little moment, i have really missed mads. both zona and i got up early this morning because of work and head straight to the hospital. when we get to the hospital we stand in the lobby for a moment before saying goodbye for the day. we kiss and i linger on her lips slightly. 

"i love you" i say quietly

"i love you too" she whispers back before pecking me on the cheek and walking away. 

i immediately head up to the attendings lounge where i said i would meet mads this morning before i start work. when i get there she is already sat there talking to jo. 

"morning mads" i say, placing my hands on her shoulders. 

"ahhhhh" she screams before turning around to see me. "mum" she jumps up and hugs me, "i missed you" 

"i missed you more" i hug her tight, "but i have some news for you." she just looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to spill the news. "i said i love you to arizona" i say quietly. mads jumps up and down squealing. 

"i assume she said it back then?" she quickly asks. 

"yes yes of course. i assume you're happy about it then?" we laugh 

"what does it look like?" she replies. "i need to find arizona, have fun at work" she says before instantly running off. 

madison's POV

i'm so happy for mum and arizona they are literally the cutest couple ever. i run down to the peds floor in order to find arizona as soon as possible. i spot her walking out of a patient room and quickly head towards her. i definitely startle her when i wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight. she hugs me back when she realises that it is me. 

"mils told you then?" she whispers.

"yes, and i just missed you" i reply. "thank you for making my mum so happy. you are honestly amazing. and i love you as well." i say without even thinking, but it is true. arizona is like a second mum to me and i do love her. she takes care of me like her own daughter and i really appreciate that because i've never really been loved by my parental figures before. 

"i love you too mads" i feel a smile grow on my face when she says these words. it just makes me so happy to know that she really does love me. i think we have kinda known where we stood with each other before even talking about it, but it is really nice to hear it i guess. after spending some time with arizona before a surgery, i head back to mum and even though it took me ages to find her i finally spot her. i run towards her to share my big news. 

"you look very happy what just happened?" she immediately asks me. i guess she is quite good at reading me. 

"how did you know?" i laugh. "anyways, i have some news to share."

"go on then what is it?" mum starts to get very curious. 

"well, it is exactly the same news as you told me"

"huh, your news is that i told arizona i love her?" she questions. 

"well, kinda, keep repeating it." she looks at me confused but seems to go over it in her head a couple times, although she doesn't look like she understands. "okay then, i'll leave you with it for a while, just keep thinking" i begin to walk off before it finally clicks in her head. 

"wait, omg, mads. are you serious? you told arizona you love her?" she almost shouts

"yes, glad you finally understand." 

"well did she say it back?" mum asks. before i can get a word in arizona appears behind mum from around the corner.

"yes of course i did" arizona says and terrifies mum. "i love you both" 

" i love you all" says mum

"and i love both of you more" i say. 

a/n: i am so so so sorry about the slow updates. school has been really busy lately and i'm getting a lot more homework than i did last year (GCSEs are a lot of work lmao) but i am going to try and update at least once a week, and it will most likely be on weekends. ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3000 READS THAT IS INSANE. <3 

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