chapter 37

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arizona's POV

unfortunately mils can't come with me to pick up mads but it isn't too big of a deal. it is only a 15 minute drive there at this time of night so i call mads just before i leave the house to let her know i'm on my way. it rings for about 5 seconds before telling me mads isn't available to call right now so i assume she denied the call but she texts me instead. i am confused but decide to leave it for now and ask her about it when i see her. 

i pull up outside and see mads stood waiting for me. it takes her a while to realise that i'm here but she eventually comes and gets into the car and i can instantly smell alcohol.

"how was the party?" i ask, starting to drive off, hoping the smell was just from being surrounded by alcohol. 

"it was good, although i have a question for you, what am i supposed to call you because you're not my mother but you are a parental figure and i want to call you mum but i don't know if you would like that and whether you're comfortable with it and i probably shouldn't be saying all this now but i can't stop myself" she says, slurring her speech. she's drunk. i was suspicious as soon as she got in the car but i am now 100% sure she is drunk. really quite drunk i think. she definitely would not be saying all this if she was sober.

"mads, you're drunk, we can talk about this in the morning, if you even remember it"

"i'm not drunk, don't accuse me of things like that please" she replies aggressively. 

"fine, you're definitely not drunk at all and have had not even 1 drop of alcohol this evening and i can tell mils about this whole conversation." i say

"okay fine, i am drunk. but please don't tell mum she will literally kill me. i've already disappointed her enough since i've met her there is no need to add this to the list. just don't tell her i honestly beg you. i will do anything you want me to just don't tell her"

"i'll think about it" i say to end the conversation. there is no way i can't tell mils she would be furious if she found out i knew and never told her. i just hope she is asleep when we get home so she doesn't see mads like this. 

madison's POV

arizona takes me straight up to bed and tells me to change and have a shower. i do exactly that and then get into bed before she comes back in again. 

"come get me if you need anything okay?" she says sternly, probably wanting to make sure i'm all okay. 

"will do, goodnight arizona" she walks away and shuts the door. i instantly fall asleep. 

when i wake up early the next morning i feel like shit. everything aches and i have a huge pounding headache at the front of my forehead. i suddenly have the urge to vomit and so run to the bathroom to make it to the toilet. what an awful hangover.

amelia's POV

i wake up to the sound of throwing up and to begin with think it is zona as she is not in bed next to me. i get up and go to our bathroom but there is no one there. it must be mads. fuck, she must have been drinking last night. i walk straight into mads' bathroom and see her sat with her head over the toilet and zona holding her hair back. so zona already knew... 

i begin to break down and go downstairs because i can't stand to see any of it. knowing mads drank last night even after she promised she wouldn't. and obviously she had drunk a lot because you aren't this sick in the morning by only having a few glasses of whatever. and then the fact that zona knew and didn't tell me last night or even this morning. i know i was asleep but this is the sort of thing she should have woken me up for. i don't know if i'm disappointed or angry or upset with mads but i know whatever it is i shouldn't be because i have done the exact same thing multiple times before. after wiping away my tears i head back upstairs to comfort her. 

as soon as i walk into the bathroom again i see mads sat up against the wall silently crying her eyes out. she looks up at me and starts to cry more. 

"i'm so sorry mum, i know i shouldn't have done it. i know i promised you i wouldn't, but it was so hard. i didn't buy any for myself and i said i would only have one, but people kept giving them to me and i felt bad refusing them. after a couple i forgot about everything and just kept drinking. i won't do it again mum. i feel like shit and i don't wanna have to do this again. i can control myself, i know i can. i don't think i was ready for a party like that though. i should have known better" i interrupt her before she can go any further and sit down on the floor in front of her.

"madison shepherd, stop." i grab her hands and hold them in my own. "i know you didn't mean to, and i know it's hard. trust me. i've done it multiple times before and i can appreciate the fact that once you've had one it's so so so hard to stop. particularly at your age when all people want to do is flirt with others by buying them drinks so obviously a lot of people liked you last night." i laugh. "i know it was down to peer pressure and i wanted to protect you from it all, but i also knew you needed to be exposed to it all to see if you could resist it. i love you and this doesn't take away from you're recovery at all, like i've said before. we can build on this and make you a stronger person i promise" a tear slips down my face. 

"i'm sorry i couldn't do it and i love you more mum, and arizona, thank you for everything and helping me with all this. i love you too" 

a/n - omg thank you so so so much for 4K reads that is actually insane. i never thought anyone would really read my story but i'm so thankful for all the love it has received so far and i'm looking forward to where it will go in the future. i have a lot of ideas for what could happen but if anyone has any suggestions please let me know as i love hearing all of your ideas. thank you for everything <3

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