chapter 33

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madison's POV

i am finally being discharged from the hospital today, thank god. although i love it there and all the people there, i don't enjoy it as much when i am actually a patient there. everyone worries too much especially mum. she won't let me do anything without someones supervision, like i need someone to escort me to the bathroom otherwise she fusses. i know it is just because she cares and everything, and i love her for that, but sometimes it is just a little too much.

mum and arizona both have to work the evening, so they are allowing jo to take me home. although her real name is brooke, and mine is makenzie, we have decided that we don't want to keep those names and stick to our new ones, firstly because that is what people know us by and it won't cause confusion, and secondly because we both prefer them. on our way home, we mainly just chat about things we would normally talk about, but when we got back to jo's house things changed a little. jo really isn't a very good cook, and telling her i couldn't eat the pasta she made was a little awkward. it was weird to see how much she has actually changed since i used to live with her and our parents. her personality was quite different, but i could still find bits i remembered in there.

i guess once i found out that jo was my real sister, the whole dynamic changed. i thought that everything would stay how it was, but it hasn't. i don't really know what happened to be honest, i just feel like i can't tell her anything anymore.

"yo mads, what are you thinking about?" oh god, now jo knows something is up.

"nothing it's fine" i say, trying to avoid this conversation.

"i've known you since the day you were born, ignoring the recent couple year gap, but i can still tell when somethings up. come on, spill it"

"okay fine" i give in. "i just feel like everything's changed. i used to be able to come to you crying and tell you absolutely everything, but since things happened, i feel like i can't do that anymore. which makes no sense because i used to do it before you left, and then i did it even when i didn't know you were actually my sister, and now that everything is out in the open, something is just wrong. and the only thing i can think that has made it wrong is me, because you haven't changed anything about yourself since you told me, yet i keep telling myself i can't tell you things. everything is just so weird jo." i rant. "sorry i kinda went on a bit of a rant there."

"no don't apologise, i'm sorry about it all. i'll be honest, i have changed myself a little bit. i'm just worried that something is going to happen again, like i'm not really sure how to explain things either. but, i figured it out mads, i did the maths. you started doing drugs because i left, and i'm so so so sorry about that, and i'm just scared it will happen again. i was already the reason for it once, and i don't want you to relapse because of me. i guess i'm scared to get close to you again because i want to protect you. you're my little baby sister and i love you so so much." i feel tears forming in my eyes as jo says this. "awww, don't cry." she moves from her end of the sofa and hugs me tight.

"i love you too. so much jo. you are literally one of my favourite people in the whole entire world. and i'm trying so hard not to relapse again, for you and for mum. i don't want to put you guys through that again and i can't even begin to imagine how you must have felt when you found out. i'm sorry about that too. but please don't be worried about it all. i'm quite good at not thinking about drugs every minute of every day and i don't crave them as much anymore which is a good start. can we just go back to how it was?" i ask.

"yes, of course" she agrees. i move to snuggle into her and she turns on the TV.

amelia's POV

jo wanted to take mads home after she got discharged, and as much as i wanted mads to come home with arizona and i, i could tell mads kinda wanted to go with jo. i think it's more of a i haven't spent time with my sister while knowing she's my sister in years sort of thing rather than a i hate you now mum thing. well at least i hope it is anyway. however, it does mean that arizona and i have the house to ourselves tonight. we worked different late night shifts so i get home a couple hours before she does. when she walks in the door i run up to her and kiss her softly.

"first of all why are you not already asleep it's 2am and secondly, are you actually going to let me put my stuff down before attacking me with kisses?" arizona laughs.

"i wouldn't call it attacking you. i would say showing you my affection because i've missed you all day." i explain

"mils, you literally saw me like 3 hours ago" zona playfully argues.

"yeah, but i didn't get to kiss your face off like i'm going to do now."

zona grabs my waist and passionately kisses me. slowly making her way down my neck and towards my stomach. she begins to take me upstairs to the bedroom but i resist.

"why go upstairs when we have the whole house to ourselves?" i say flirtatiously. she doesn't reply but changes direction towards the kitchen. i lift her up onto the counter and she wraps her legs around my waist. zona takes off my top and things progress quickly.

eventually we are lying naked next to each other on the living room floor. after having sex in 3 different rooms in the house we have become quite exhausted.

"zona?" i ask, checking she has got her breath back and come down from her high.

"yeah, honestly mils, i've had some pretty good sex before, but anything i've done with you has been 100 times better than everything i've experienced before"

"you are literally the most gorgeous person i've ever seen in my life, i can't ever keep my hands off you, i see you and all i want to do is kiss you. zona you make me so so so happy. i could be having the worst day of my life and seeing you smile at me down the corridor would make my day so much better. i think i've fallen in love with you." everything goes silent. she makes no noise. i know i've loved her for a while, i've just been to afraid to say it. i thought she felt the same, but this makes me think otherwise.


a/n: i'm so so sorry for the slow updates. getting ready for school again is stressful and i have a lot of work to do before i go back. i'm trying to find time to write but it's quite hard at the moment and it will be for a while now i will have school. i'll try and update as often as i can i promise. again i'm really sorry :(

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