chapter 18

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madison's POV

mum just stands there not saying anything. i think i have messed up, she obviously doesn't want people to know anymore. suddenly, mum walks towards me but sits down on the sofa and i can tell she is about to start crying. arizona goes to sit down next to her and i immediately try to apologise.

"i'm so so sorry for doing all this. i thought you would like it because yesterday you wanted to tell everyone about the whole mum thing and i thought you still wanted to but obviously i have overstepped and i shouldn't have done any of this. i love you so much and i hope i haven't ruined everything." i feel like i am about to cry so i run out of the room and into the bathroom's nearby. i have ruined everything.

amelia's POV

i can't believe what mads did for me. i didn't even realise that it was mother's day and she had probably been planning this all of yesterday evening. i had no idea how to say thank you and i just stood there and said nothing. mads seems to have got the wrong impression and i think she thinks i am mad about it, but i am not. i am so so happy and i can't wait for everyone to find out. i'm actually very very excited. mads just ran out of the room and i feel like i should go find her. i get up and begin to head out before arizona grabs my arm.

"give her a second amelia." she says

"arizona, i just completely messed everything up by not saying anything. i am so thankful for her and i need her to know that. please just let me go." i beg

"okay, i'll let you go in a minute, just come here first." she pulls me back down onto the sofa and wraps her arms around me. i really like being in arizona's arms, it just feels safe. i think i like her. a lot. i don't know what mads would think about me being in a relationship though. i have to remember that i have to think about her in every decision now, but i wouldn't change it for the world.

after a couple minutes i force arizona to let me go and i search for madison. she must be around here somewhere, i know she wouldn't have left the hospital. i just hope i can find her soon because we really need to talk.

madison's POV

suddenly, i hear a door swing open. i try to stop my tears, but i still sniffle every so often.

"hey who's in here? are you okay?" the voice asks. i recognise the voice so i slowly open my door.

"hey, um it's me. i'm fine i guess." i say as i open my door and see dr wilson stood there.

"oh god, madison, what happened with the plan? i was on my way to come and celebrate with you."

"well, there isn't a celebration anymore. mum, amelia didn't seem to like it. i don't think i should even call her mum anymore, she hates me. i ruined her life, i should just disappear." i say as a try to run out the door. dr wilson grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug.

"madison, it's okay, everything is going to be okay. i'm sure dr shepherd doesn't hate you. i don't think it is even possible to hate you. you are literally the sweetest person on the planet and if it comes to it, which i highly doubt it will, you can live with me."

"dr wilson, you are so incredible, thank you."

"you are very welcome, and call me jo" she says as she releases me from the hug. "now, let's go find dr shepherd."

amelia's POV

i really hope mads is okay. i know i've messed up, but i desperately need to talk to her. after searching the whole hospital, i head back to the attendings lounge to see if she has appeared. luckily enough i see her sat in there with dr wilson, which is strange because i didn't realise they knew each other.

"mads" i say, she just stares at me. i can tell that she has been crying. "i am so so sorry, i know i gave the wrong impression, but i love you, and i want you to know that i am so glad the hospital knows, and i have always wanted them all to know and i was speechless because i didn't know how to say thank you and-and everything is okay, i am not mad at all. please tell me you're not mad at me."

"amelia" she called me amelia, what is that supposed to mean? "i messed everything up, and i should have asked you before i told the whole hospital, but i am so happy you are not mad. i-i just don't really know what to say. are you honestly happy about the mum thing?" mads asks

"yes, yes of course mads. i love it when you call me mum, it makes me feel so special and i know you care because i didn't even realise it was mother's day and you did everything you could to make it special for me. you are honestly the most incredible daughter. i love you so so much."

"you are a more incredible mum." okay, good. she called me mum again, not amelia which was a relief. mads shuffles along the sofa towards me and we sit there hugging each other for a couple minutes. eventually mads stands up and thanks dr wilson for something and heads to the bathroom. it is just arizona and i left in the room.

"are you okay now?" arizona asks.

"yes, yes i am so much better. mads always knows how to solve a problem or misunderstanding. she really is incredible, i know i say it all the time but she really is. we just seem to be able to understand one another without really having to talk sometimes. thank you so much for helping her today, i don't know how to repay you."

"how about with this..." arizona steps closer towards me and gently places her hands around my face. she leans in closer and pecks me on the lips. i place my hands on her waist and pull her close to my body. she pushes me onto the sofa and i kiss her passionately. she lies on top on me on the sofa and i slide my tongue along her bottom lip. we begin kissing passionately and don't stop for at least 10 minutes. arizona is such a good kisser.

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