chapter 21

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madison's POV

today i become 30 days sober. i don't know how i managed to stay off drugs for that long because i've never been able to do it for more than like 3 days before, but i have mum to thank for all of it. she has been so helpful and she knows exactly how hard it is because of her past. it just makes me so happy to know that someone knows what it is like and that someone cares about me.

i don't think mum is planning anything for today other than going to the hospital and having a normal day, which i really don't mind. i don't think many people at the hospital know about my addiction, or at least none of the ones i talk to have ever mentioned it to me or brought it up in conversation. i honestly don't care too much if mum forgets anyways because it is only 30 days and it isn't really that big of a deal. mum has a lot to do anyway, she is quite busy at the hospital at the moment and i am probably just being a distraction.

amelia's POV

today mads is officially 30 days sober and i am so proud of her. i know how difficult it is to get sober and she has managed to do it. i have been planning a party for her, but i don't really know who to invite. i mean, i have already invited arizona, meredith, maggie and she never talks about any friends, but i don't know who she really talks to while she's at the hospital because i'm always working. i highly doubt she just wants a party with people my age anyway. mads walks into the kitchen with me and grabs herself some breakfast. we chat normally and i try not to give any hints that anything is happening, i really want it to be a surprise.

luckily for me, mads leaves her phone on the counter when she heads into the living room. i'm not sure whether she knows i know her password, but now is not the time to act suspicious. i just need to get this over and done with. i write down josh's number and some other people who have hearts next to their names because i assume that means she likes them. there was also someone on there called "brooke radley," so i add her to the list.

after calling everyone and inviting them to the party this evening, i get down to brooke's number. when thinking about it, i realise i recognise the surname. i think that this could be mads sister. she has never really said much about her and i don't want to ask about it because of the way mads talked about her that one night. i decide not to call her because i don't want to get involved in anything that could happen and i think things should just be left how they are.

i take mads to the hospital as a way of distraction and send meredith and maggie a text to go set up the house. the day goes by very slowly, but i send mads off to entertain herself all day. if i spend too much time with her today, i know i would give something away. i call meredith to let her know we are on our way just before i find mads again to take her home.

madison's POV

mum has been acting suspiciously all day. she has kinda been ignoring me and just being brief in any conversation. i'm not exactly sure what happened, whether i did something, or something happened in her life, or whether she has just decided she hates me now. hopefully things will be better when we get home. maybe she just had a difficult patient today or something.

as soon as we pull up in the driveway, i see balloons outside the house. so this is what is going on.

"awww mum, thank you" i turn to her smiling. "you really are the best"

"anything for you mads, you totally deserve it. you are officially 30 days sober! i'm so proud of you" she says excitedly. "i love you"

"i love you more" i hug her and head inside. as soon as i open the door i see so many people, some who i haven't seen in weeks. josh walks up to me and hugs me.

"well done for 30 days" he whispers in my ear. i know he is proud of me. we all dance and i catch up with a few people i used to be close with but we really haven't spoken to each other for ages. i don't think i want to keep them as friends though. i appreciate the effort mum has put into all of this, but she didn't invite people i would have invited myself. that is what makes it interesting though i guess.

while i am talking to jo, josh comes and grabs me by the arm and takes me into the bathroom.

"i need to leave now, but i wanted to do one thing before i go" he says. before i can even process what he just said he pressed his lips against mine. i really like josh, like really like him, however i can't date him. i know i can't. i am unable to trust that he will always be the sweet guy he is when he is sober and not the reckless drug addict i also know. suddenly, josh begins trying to take off my clothes.

"josh no, i'm not doing this"

"i don't care what you want madi, this is what i want" i try to push josh off of me and tears start to form in my eyes. nothing i do is going to stop him; he is too stubborn when high. he strips me until i am naked and begins abusing me. eventually he leaves the room and i lay on the floor of the bathroom crying. pain rushes through my body and it hurts too much to try and move. i manage to sit up and lean back against the wall and hope that someone will come in soon.

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