chapter 26

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amelia's POV

it has been 4 days now and mads still won't talk to me. she won't let me talk to her and if i try to say anything about it she just shuts me down. i hate it. i miss her so much and even though i see her every day she isn't really there. all i want to do is be able to hug her and snuggle with her on the sofa, and do everything we used to do before all of this happened. after dropping her off at school i head to the hospital for my usual day at work. today was hopefully going to be a good day because i am having a little lunch date with arizona, well only if our schedules work out. 

madison's POV

ignoring mum is so difficult, but i don't want to give in so easily. i want to talk to her but i don't trust that she won't do this sort of thing again. i know that she is upset about it all too, and she says sorry like 5 times a day and i have almost forgiven her, but i'm not quite there yet. 

school hasn't been getting much better but i just have to be thankful that i'm not being bullied. not having a proper conversation with like anyone has been pretty hard this week but i plan on sorting things out with amelia this weekend, hopefully. 

at around 3:30, when school finishes, i walk over to the hospital. mum texted earlier saying that she had a surgery and would be late so i could either come to the hospital and hang around or take the bus back home. i haven't been to the hospital in a while so i choose that option and walk straight in. on my way to the attendings lounge, i see jo so i walk over to say hello. 

"hello madison, how are you?" she asks me

"honestly or what you want to hear?" i say

"i always want you to be honest, so i'll ask again, how are you?" 

"not good. at all. have you heard about the thing that happened on monday?" i ask her

"umm no i don't think so, explain." i tell her what happened and she gives me a hug. 

"i want to fix things, but i just don't know how. i want my mum back." i say almost in tears. 

"awww madison, it's okay. i can help you, i promise." jo says. we begin to talk about how i can fix things and get to work on a plan. 

amelia's POV

eventually lunch time rolls around and i text arizona. she immediately responds and tells me she is already waiting for me in the cafeteria. i head straight there and as soon as i see her she puts a smile on my face. 

"hi babe" arizona smiles at me. "i have missed you"

"i think i missed you more" i place my hand on top of hers at the table. we make small talk and discuss cases while eating and then arizona says she is taking me to a surprise. i think i can make quite a good guess at what she has planned but i'll wait and see. she opens the door to an on-call room and turns around to look at me.

"it has been way too long since i was last able to do this." arizona says flirtatiously. before i can say anything she pecks me on the lips and then begins to kiss me more passionately. i kiss back, having missed this a lot the past couple days. 

after a sexy moment in the on-call room, we are left naked in each others arms on the bed. out of nowhere, arizona breaks the silence.

"amelia, i have something to do, urgently." arizona quickly gets up, puts on her clothes and walks out the door. just as i am about to leave, mads walks in. 

"mum, i am so so sorry, for everything. i overreacted about the whole thing, and i know i need to realise that i can't just come in and dictate everything that happens in your life, and i-i honestly, it has been so hard being mean to you, and not speaking to you. i have missed everything so so much. i know i made you feel like an awful mother, and please listen to me when i say this, you are the most amazing mum i could have ever wished for and you really have changed my life for the better. and if you ever think you are doing a bad job, think about how my old mum kicked one of her daughters out the house for doing drugs and doing nothing to help her, and drove the other one away because of an argument and now she has none left soooo. you are doing incredible compared to her." i giggle. "i love you, and i really really hope that you can forgive me, because this is me forgiving you for everything." mads looks as though she is about to burst into tears. i grab her hands and hold them. 

"mads, you have done nothing wrong. i messed it all up and i am so glad you have come back to me because i was starting to get a little worried about you leaving me. i have missed everything about you so much and i love you more than words can explain." tears start falling down both of our faces. "aww please don't cry"

"you can't talk" she says back to me. i pull her over to the bed and we sit down together. i wrap my arm around her shoulders and she places her head on my chest. "i missed this" mads exclaims. 

"me too." we sit in silence just enjoying each others company before madison's phone starts ringing.

madison's POV

"hey what's up?"

"madison where are you?" jo says.

"i'm with mum. i did it, everything is fine now. thank you so much." i smile at mum to show her i'm happy with everything. 

"okay well that's good. well done. someone wants to speak to you, as soon as possible. please can you come to the attendings lounge?"

"umm yeah of course, am i allowed to know who it is?" i ask curiously, "and can i bring mum?"

"yes it's dr robbins and she is shaking her head so no you can't bring amelia. sorry"

"thats fine. i'm on my way." i hang up the phone. "mum i am really really sorry, i love you, but i have to run."

"where?" she asks

"nowhere, its a secret, i will see you later." i run towards the attendings lounge, worrying about whatever arizona is going to say to me. she isn't exactly one of my favourite people but i know she makes mum really happy so i have to forgive her. none of it was really her fault anyway. 

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