chapter 29

440 12 2

author's note: mum = amelia, mother = biological mum

madison's POV

it has been a couple weeks since arizona moved in and i don't think it has changed very much at all. it is nice living with someone new and seeing mum so happy all the time makes me happy too. she just never stops smiling. 

school has been going okay, and i actually have a few friends now because of group projects and going to people's houses to work. my best friend is called jess and we get along very well. occasionally i go to her house after school for a bit and she walks me back to the hospital before mum's shift finishes so mum never actually knows if i've been or not i don't think she would be mad, it's just effort to tell her every single time. one of the best things about going to Orgate is that no one knows my past with drugs and everything so there is no judgement at all. 

everything was going normally today, it was all just normal lessons. things change when i walk outside to head to the hospital. i see something i never thought i would see again. my parents. i try to hide in the crowd but they see me almost instantly. 

"makenzie" i pretend i don't hear them and try and walk away. "makenzie" they call out again before heading straight towards me. my father grabs my arm and drags me to the car. 

"makenzie, you know we are talking to you. listen." i stay as still as possible while still under his grip. 

"we heard you have been getting sober and looking after yourself. we are sorry that we kicked you out and we would really like to take you back. what do you think?" my mother starts saying.

"oh so just because i'm sober now means that you want me as your daughter again. you didn't want the drug addict, disgrace as a daughter but you want the new version of me which you did nothing to help. the only thing i can thank you for is for kicking me out so i could start a much better life." i say angrily. 

"makenzie, that is not what it is like." my mother tries to persuade me. 

"that is exactly what it is like, and don't call me that name." i raise my voice slightly as i am getting angrier. no one knows my real name is makenzie and no one needs to know that i changed my name. it is the one thing i really don't want mum to find out. 

"what do you mean don't call you that name? makenzie what is going on?" my father starts to raise his voice as well. 

"nothing it's fine, please just leave me alone." i try to walk away but my father grabs my arm again and pulls me behind the car. he hits me across the face and shoves me into the car. what the fuck am i going to do?

my so called parents take me back to my old house and lock me in my bedroom. i try to call mum but i got caught and my mother took my phone away. i am screwed. luckily nothing about my bedroom has changed, everything is exactly where i left it. that is when something suddenly occurs to me. i open my wardrobe doors and look inside the bottom draw on the left. i take out all the clothes and see exactly what i had been looking for. my drugs. 

amelia's POV

i told mads to come to the hospital after school today and she texted me earlier saying that that was fine. however, she never texted me after that. i had no confirmation that she had got to the hospital, or where she was, and now she won't reply. i had a missed call from her earlier but i've called her back at least 6 times now and she isn't picking up. i start to panic about what has happened. mads is such a good daughter and she wouldn't have snuck off anywhere. something bad must have happened for her not to be here. i begin searching the hospital once again to see if i can find her. while on the peds floor, zona walks up to me. 

"hey babe," she says. "everything okay?" 

"no, nothing is okay." i feel tears welling up in my eyes. "nothing at all. mads is gone, i have no idea where. she won't reply to any of my messages or pick up any of my calls and i'm really worried. what could have happened? all i can think about is whether she has been kidnapped, or if she has run off again and is high somewhere."

"hey, hey, calm down, i'm sure madison is perfectly fine. maybe she just had to stay late at school or something?" she tries to persuade me.

"she would have said something zona, i know her"

"mils please listen to me, she will be fine. she is a teenager, they do these things. do you know how many times my mum panicked about where i was when i was just with a friend, or staying late at school?"

"and when i was a teenager, my mum called the police looking for me and when she found me i was high about to jump of my friend's roof. mads is not fine, because mads is not a normal teenager. she isn't like you zona, she is like me. and if my mum had not called the police that day and if the police had not found me, i would be very dead right now." i begin to cry. 

"i'm sorry mils. i really am. i'm helping you find her, and we should call the police. let's go" zona takes me to her car and we begin driving around the town. 

madison's POV

i know mum is going to kill me, but i can't do this anymore. i have the drugs, and i can easily take them, they are sat right in front of me. all i can think about is the fact that i'm kinda close to 3 months sober. i haven't been high for 75 days, and i can't break that, can i? i try everything i can to get rid of the sadness and hurt inside me, but nothing works. i take the drugs, mainly using the injection ones because they will get into my blood stream faster. heroin used to be one of my favourite drugs as it did the most for me. i could take so much of it and nothing that bad would happen, it just made me feel better. i use the syringes, one after the other. suddenly, i start gasping for air. i can't breathe. then everything goes black. 

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