chapter 31

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madison's POV

makkie. jo called me makkie. i tighten my arms around her and whisper back to her.

"are you seriously brooke?" i say. she pulls away slightly and i realise that we are now both crying. she nods her head at me and i dive straight in to hug her again. i honestly can't believe it. i have been talking to my sister again for months now and i haven't ever noticed. i mean, she looks very very different. she's dyed her hair and does her makeup so differently, but now i know that she is brooke, i can tell immediately that she looks exactly how i remember her.

after a couple minutes of us sitting and crying and smiling and hugging each other. bailey walks in and tells me that my parents will be coming to see me in a few minutes. brooke tells me that she will talk to me later and then gets up and leaves. she doesn't want our parents to see her and wants to stay away while they're in the room.

soon enough they appear and we chat for a few moments before mum knocks on the door. i instantly smile at her and motion for her to come in as i cannot make small talk with my parents for much longer. i try to sit up and hug her but it hurts too much to move, so mum comes to me and wraps her arms around me.

"i'm so glad you're okay" she says

"makenzie, who is this?" my father asks confused. suddenly mum pulls out of the hug and looks at me confused. oh god, why did this have to come out?

"um, so, this is amelia, she has been looking after me and is helping get me sober. i am living with her and have been since you kicked me out. when i am discharged from the hospital, i will be going back to her house and not yours. okay? now please can i talk with amelia alone." i say sternly.

"that's not your decision to make, but now that you're not sober anymore we don't want you anyway. you are a disgrace to the family and i can't believe you turned out like this after the work that we put in to raise you as a good child. you're not wanted, and you won't be until you're sober again. maybe then will you be allowed back anywhere near us." my mother replies before grabbing my father's arm and storming out.

i burst into tears and mum comes and sits with me.

amelia's POV

i am so confused right now. first of all i get told josh is here, then that mads parents are here and that mads overdosed. then when i finally hear that mads is awake and i'm allowed to see her, her parents call her makenzie. what on earth is going on? i hug mads for a while to try and calm her down before asking any questions.

"so, makenzie?" i question.

"um yeah, i changed my name. well not really, but when you asked me what my name was i didn't want you to find out who i really was so i just said madison, and i guess it kinda stuck because i never had to guts to tell you the truth. i'm really sorry mum. i didn't mean for you to find out this way."

"it's okay," i say. "and i guess we should probably talk about the elephant in the room, the overdose..."

"i'm really really sorry. everything was so overwhelming and when i got locked in my old room i remembered i had drugs there and i tried to resist the temptation but i couldn't. once i started i couldn't stop. it was mainly heroin, there are probably needles all over my bedroom floor to be honest but my so called parents can deal with that. i'm never going back again."

"it's okay, relapse does not take anything away from your recovery. it took me a couple relapses to get me to where i am today. also, do you wanna go back to makenzie or stick with madison. i promise i am happy to call you either."

"thanks mum, you're the best. and madison, i hate makenzie, too many old memories that i don't need to think about. and please don't tell anyone else about it, it's all too complicated. is that okay?" she asks

"yes mads, of course that's okay, easier for me as well" we both laugh. suddenly she starts having a seizure in my arms. although i'm a neurosurgeon and know exactly what to do, i can't move. no part of my body is moving. i want to move, i try to move, but i can't. a nurse quickly rushes in and lays mads flat on the bed. i am taken out of the room by one of the other nurses and they shut the door. i watch through the glass window at what is going on and zona comes towards me. i grab her and pull her in for a hug. she turns me around so i am no longer looking at what is going on in the room, which is probably for the best. i don't stop crying but i calm down a little.

"it's going to be okay mils, mads will be okay. i promise. she is being looked after by some of the best doctors in seattle, and she is such a strong girl. i know she is going to get through this, so we can all get through this, together." zona says to me. the way she says we comforts me. i know she will be there every step of the way, but the reassurance is very comforting. we will all get through this. together.

i see dr wilson walk around the corner and towards us. she opens her mouth to speak to us but looks into mads room and starts crying. i immediately turn around to see what is going on, and what has caused dr wilson to break down. there are multiple doctors and nurses crowding around her. i look up at her monitor and realise there is no heartbeat. she is coding. i watch as they perform CPR and use the defibrillator on her. nothing. her heart won't start again. she's dead.

authors note: again so sorry for slow updates, being with family makes it quite hard to find the time to write but i am trying my best. hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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