chapter 23

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madison's POV

over the past few days i had been recovering well. i could now move without causing huge amounts of pain, but mum won't let me walk around the house without supervision because she is worried i am going to like collapse or something. no matter how much i complained, mum forced me to do a rape kit just in case, but i made it very clear that the case will not be reported because i can't get josh in trouble. he has been my best friend for years, and there is no way i am going to be sending him to jail. he was high when he did it so he can't be blamed i guess. mum was very against this but eventually gave in as i was not backing down. i won't be speaking to josh ever again though.

school is supposed to start next week and i'm not sure what is happening with it. i had talked to mum a little bit about it before but we never really got anywhere. all i know is that i don't want to go back to my old school. i really should probably ask mum today what the plan is because she will go back to work next week and i really cannot be bothered to go with her again or stay at home and get bored. i desperately need something to do and school is a good option.

amelia's POV

i haven't been letting mads walk around without me yet because i don't want something drastic to happen while i am not nearby. she has been recovering really well though and her bruises are slowly disappearing. i make her breakfast and take it upstairs to her.

"morning mads" i say as i open the door

"hey mum"

"i brought you breakfast" i place the tray down next to her on the bed. "there's something i need to talk to you about"

"okay, what is it? there's something i want to talk about too"

"you go first" i insist

"no you" she playfully argues back

"no mads, i said you're going first"

"okay fine, school starts next week and i have no idea what i'm doing"

"funny you say that as that was my exact topic of conversation. i was going to talk to you about it after the party but then we never got the chance so i kinda entered you into 4 schools and you have been accepted to all. now it's just which one do you wanna go to"

"mum, you are honestly the best. which ones?"

"Riverside Academy, Palm Valley College, Ravenwood School for Girls and Orgate High School"

"oh wow okay. well definitely not Palm Valley as that is where josh goes and Ravenwood is where i used to go so i don't exactly want to go back there."

"okay that's fine. that leaves my favourite 2 left then, Riverside is just round the corner from here so you would be able to walk home after school and not hang around waiting for me to come pick you up. Orgate is literally next to the hospital so you could come wait there for me to finish before you go home. what do you think?"

"honestly i quite like the sound of still getting to come to the hospital all the time, so i think orgate is the best option, if that is okay with you?"

"yes of course mads" i was not expecting this to be so easy. i thought she would make a full on pros and cons list for this sort of thing, but she easily narrowed them down. mainly because of the people who already go there, but still she made it so simple.

madison's POV

i am actually quite excited to go to school on monday. i finally get to meet some new people who aren't severely ill or doctors at Grey-Sloan. it will be nice to get some friends my age. well, i technically have some, but i never really talk to them and even though mum invited them to the party we didn't really get along like we used to. most of my old friends are my drug friends and i kinda cut them off when i met mum and started getting sober. it's weird to think that it has only been like 7 weeks since i met mum, but she got me to 33 days sober which i am very proud of.

authors note:
i'm so sorry this chapter is short. i really don't know what else to add here and so i thought it would be better to just stop writing and continue in the next chapter as i know where i want to take it. i hope you don't mind :)

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