chapter 41

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madison's POV

today is the day i plan on telling jo about eden. i wake up and immediately begin to stress about what is going to happen. i know jo will be accepting and i know nothing will change but still, i don't know how she is going to take the news. mum comes in to make sure i'm awake and then heads off to make breakfast. 

eventually i get off my phone and get ready for the day before going downstairs for breakfast. mum made eggs and bacon which looks delicious. we sit and eat but i don't really feel like eating anything because i'm so stressed. it makes me feel like i'm going to be sick. mum looks at me slightly concerned before speaking to me about it.

"mads, i know something it going on in your head, it's not like you to not be eating, so please, talk to me about it. what is going on?" she says softly, making me feel comforted like she always does. 

"nothing mum, i don't want to talk about it right now. i'm sorry" i reply, trying to be as nice as possible while also being rather annoyed. 

"will you talk to zona? or someone else? jo?" she questions. "it doesn't have to be me you talk to but i just don't want you keeping it all inside when i can see it is worrying you" sometimes it annoys me that my mum is so nice because i want to tell her everything but something is telling me that i shouldn't and i don't know why. 

"maybe, but not right now. can we please just leave it?" i say, getting slightly more angry. mum doesn't say anything else and i take my plate of food to the sink. i go upstairs to grab my things before we head off to the hospital.

as soon as we get there i text jo straight away to ask where she is. she responds almost immediately with 'in the attendings lounge' and i go straight there with both mum and arizona. we get there and i go sit down next to jo, wanting to avoid everyone else. i quickly whisper to her:

"hey, can we talk at some point? i have something i want to tell you" 

"yes of course" she stands up, grabs my hand and looks at mum and zona who give her concerned looks before we go to an empty patient room. "i know this probably isn't the best environment for any sort of talk but anyways, what do you want to talk about?" she asks.

"well, it's not necessarily a talk, i just want to tell you something." i hesitate before going any further. jo looks at me, telling me to continue and talk to her. "i'm bi, i think, well i'm pretty certain" she smiles an insanely wide smile before giving me a hug. 

"thank you for telling me mads, i'm so proud of you" she hugs me tighter and i hug her back, wanting her to know how much i appreciate the way she has reacted. "and there was no need to be as nervous as you were, i could tell you were stressing about it all" she whispers in my ear. i don't reply but nuzzle into her chest; i'm so glad this went exactly how i wanted it to. 

suddenly my phone rings and i pick it up immediately when i see who it is.

"hey maddy moo" eden says. i smile and laugh before telling her i came out to jo.

"jo this is eden, eden, jo, my sister" 

"hi i'm eden, i'm madison's girlfriend" i look at her shocked at first but smile when i realise that i always have wanted her to be my girlfriend. i give her an approving nod before i leave and go talk to eden in private.

"so girlfriend..." i smirk. 

"i'm sorry i didn't realise what i said until i actually said it. it is what i want though." eddie replies

"no, don't be sorry, i loved it. you are officially my girlfriend eddie, whether you like it or not" i smile and she smiles back so i know it is okay. i so badly want to be with her right now but i can't. she suddenly hangs up and calls me back but with her camera off. i don't ask questions and we continue talking like we were. about 15 minutes later she says something strange. 

"can you quickly go to the hospital lobby and give me a small tour?" i'm confused but i trust her enough to just go and do what she wants. as soon as i walk down the stairs i smile so hard my cheeks hurt. i hang up and run towards her to give her a hug. she tries to kiss me but i back away and pull her outside. 

"there are too many people here who know me and don't know about us and i'm not ready for that yet...but here, there is no one around, so i can do this" i kiss her and she passionately kisses me back. "you are an amazing girlfriend eddie" 

"i could say even better things about you" she smiles before kissing me again. 

amelia's POV

i head to the attendings lounge to find mads as my shift was over but she wasn't in there so i wandered around the hospital and down to the lobby. i text jo and zona to keep an eye out for her and then head outside to go to the car. as soon as i step outside i see mads, with some other girl, and they are kissing. i'm so confused and i want to go up and speak to her now but i don't know if she would approve of that. i'm sort of assuming that this is her girlfriend and she is lesbian or bi, or something that isn't straight and i feel bad because she is obviously scared to tell me. i quickly head back inside and call zona to see if she knows anything about this. 

"nope never even thought about it to be honest. she will tell us in her own time though don't worry mils. there's a reason behind why she won't tell us and it can't be because she thinks we will judge her because we are both gay ourselves sooo" i chuckle slightly as this thought hadn't even crossed my mind. 

"thanks zona, i'll see you at home later" i say before texting mads and asking her if she wants to head home.

a/n: thank you so much for nearly 6k reads and 150 votes that is absolutely insane. i love you all so much and hope you have had an amazing week :)) 

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