chapter 39

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arizona's POV

it had been a couple days since i left the house and i had been staying at the hospital. i understand why amelia is annoyed, but she shouldn't put all the blame on me it isn't fair. i go into one of the on-call rooms and lie down on a bed and cry. i just feel like i've just done everything wrong and now amelia is probably even more mad at me for not going home. i text april and tell her to meet me in the attendings lounge so that i can rant to her. she turns up almost immediately and rushes in to give me a hug when she sees that i'm crying. i tell her everything that happened the other day and she seems shocked. 

"arizona, you have done absolutely nothing wrong and amelia has no right to be mad at you. you suggested what you thought was best and maybe it wasn't the best thing but in the end it was amelia's decision and she made it. yes you may have persuaded her slightly but that doesn't mean that you were the one who made the decision for madison to go to the party. whatever amelia is saying isn't true and don't ever let anyone believe that something is your fault when it isn't. you're a good woman arizona, you love everyone so much that you are willing to take the blame for things even when they're not things you should be blamed for. i know you don't want to argue and i know that if i hadn't been here right now you would have eventually gone home and told amelia it was all your fault and you can accept that" she is right it is something that i would probably do "and i can tell by the look on your face that you agree with me. so, please go home, and just talk to amelia, tell her you're sorry about the way you reacted but it was her decision to make and you can admit to persuading her to say yes, but that does not make it ALL your fault, okay?" 

i give her a slight nod and a hug before her pager beeps. "sorry duty calls, let me know how it all goes though. i love you" she says before running out the door. i get up and prepare to head home for the first time in a few days. 

madison's POV

i know why arizona left but no one has officially told me. i think mum has figured out that i know what happened by the fact that i have never asked and i've just been there to comfort her recently because i don't think she likes the fact that arizona isn't here. she has cried everyday since she left and i really want her to be okay. i've texted arizona and she said that she will come home when she is ready but it is nothing to do with anything i've done and she is so sorry that she can't be at home with me. it's hard to know that arizona is hurting too and there is nothing i can do for her because she, i guess, is another parental figure to me and i can't go and see her at the hospital because i also have to be here for mum. although these past few days have been hard, i'm excited because this afternoon is my date with eden. before leaving for school, i tell mum i have an afterschool club today and won't be home at normal time. i give her a quick hug  and whisper:

"mum, please don't be upset while i'm gone and if you need me i'm just on the other end of the phone and will always pick up no matter what. i love you and i want everything to be okay so please, call me or at least text if you just need someone to talk to." mum doesn't say anything but i know she listened as she gives me a slightly tighter squeeze to say i love you too. 

after school i head straight to the park where i agreed i would meet up with eden. i almost instantly see her smiley face sat on a picnic blanket right next to some trees at the edge of the park. 

"hey madison, how are you?" her voice gives me butterflies. 

"i'm...wonderful" i smile back at her before sitting down. we just talk about what has happened recently in our lives but i don't bring up the whole arizona and mum situation. i find out that eden goes to Riverside Academy which is the school about a 10 minute walk away from my house, she has 2 older siblings, a brother who is in his last year of high school and a sister who is in her 2nd year of university, 2 dogs and her parents are divorced. 

"what are you're parents like?" she asks me. i suddenly feel awkward and don't know what to say. "sorry, i didn't mean to make you feel weird, obviously this isn't a good topic to discuss so" 

"no, no it's fine i'm sorry. my parents are just a slightly sensitive topic as i never really know how to answer. my birthparents kicked me out of the house and then amelia, my new mum i guess found me and is looking after me. technically she isn't my real mum because there hasn't been any sort of adoption papers or whatever but i live with her and her girlfriend arizona so i guess they are kinda my real parents now" i start to tear up thinking about everything that has happened in my life recently. 

"i'm so sorry madison" she shuffles closer to me and wraps her arm around my waist before pulling me close to her chest. i gently rest myself against her and feel comfortable in her arms. she smells sooo good. we stay like that for a while, just happy in each others presence before i lean up again. "hey i was enjoying that" eden complains.

"i think you'll enjoy this more" i flirt before brushing her cheek with my hand and pulling her in for a kiss. i give her a gentle peck and pull away again but she moves her hand around my neck and pulls me in for more. we make out for a few minutes before i hear my phone ring. it's mum. "of course my mum has to come in and ruin this amazing moment" we laugh before i pick up the phone. 

"mads, please come home, i have a surprise for you" she sounds so happy and i'm very intrigued by what has happened today while i've been at school. 

"okay mum, i'll be home soon" i say, looking towards eden who looks slightly disappointed. 

"i'm sorry eddie, i want to stay for longer but i have to go home. i'll try call you later." i say before pulling her in for another quick kiss. she tries to continue it but i pull away. "i have to go" i pout, "but thank you so much for today it was amazing" i walk back home quickly to see what this surprise is. 

a/n: guys i need help. what's a cute nickname for madison which eden can call her? i've already used mads (obviously) and then josh called her madi and i don't know whether to bring that back or use something different. what do you think?

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