chapter 30

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amelia's POV

the police have been looking for mads for a while. they interviewed some people from mads' school and apparently the last time they saw her she was with 2 people, one male one female who she acted as though she already knew. mads didn't look too happy in the situation but no one wanted to get involved because it looked aggressive and things were beginning to get a little violent until mads got in the car and they drove off. i'm scared about where is she now, because she basically got kidnapped. since i heard all of this, i have been crying into zona's arms. she really is the best girlfriend because she helps me through everything.

after nearly 24 hours, i get a call from dr wilson. i pick up wondering why she needs me as she isn't on my service at the moment.

"dr shepherd?" i hear her say. she sounds quite upset.

"yes, it's me. what do you need?" i ask

"um, so. madison is here, in the hospital." omg finally, she came back.

"omg thank you so much. how did you find her?"

"i don't think you get it. she isn't just at grey-sloan. she's in the ER" i really hope dr wilson isn't saying that i think she is saying.

"dr wilson, please explain further."

"she's a patient. please get here quickly, please dr shepherd." i hang up the phone and burst into tears. i run past zona and grab the car keys.

"mils where are you going?" i ignore her and get in the car. she gets into the passengers seat and i drive off. "amelia, tell me whats going on. please. i'm here to help you." i stay quiet not wanting to say anything until i know exactly what has happened. i park the car and run through the doors to the ER. i instantly spot mads in one of the beds next to dr bailey and run up to her.

"amelia, we think she overdosed. we aren't sure on what yet, tests are still coming through, but all signs lead to drugs. do you know anything about this?" as soon as bailey says this i burst into tears.

"she is a recovering drug addict, was i guess. she usually takes ecstasy but i know she used to use other drugs like cocaine and heroin. honestly it could be anything. i have no idea what happened, i dropped her off at school this morning and then she never came to the hospital to meet me and go home. bailey, the police think she was kidnapped, who brought her in?" i ask trying to get some more information.

"a guy called josh.  he's over there if you would like to speak to him" bailey says. omg not josh, i strut straight over and ask him what is going on. and why he is anywhere near my daughter.

"miss shepherd" he starts.

"you better have a good reason for this, because i was really hoping i would never see you again. for your own sake." i say

"i understand. i didn't ever expect mads to talk to me again after what i did, and she never did, until today. she texted me saying she needs more drugs and i asked what was going on as i know she has been getting sober. you see that woman over there" he points to a woman that looks almost identical to mads. "she is madi's mother, and the man sat next to her is madi's father. they came to her school and took her back to their house, well her old house. that's why she was doing drugs and why she never came home. when she stopped replying i knew something awful had happened and i went straight over. i climbed through her bedroom window and saw her lying on the floor unconscious, so i brought her straight here. i'm really sorry miss shepherd, i did everything i could." seeing that josh really did try his hardest to make sure mads was okay made me quite happy. despite everything he did, he still is a good man.

"thank you" i say and walk away. i walk over to another seat in the waiting room and arizona comes and joins me.

madison's POV

everything hurt. i have wires all over me and i have a tube down my neck. i start coughing and jo rushes in immediately. i am glad to see her. she takes the tube out and looks at me sadly.

"i overdosed didn't i?" i ask

"yes, you did." jo replies sadly.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to" i start to cry thinking about everything that had happened and what mum would think.

"hey, there is no need to be sorry. it's okay" she climbs into my bed and holds me.

"when can i see mum?" i ask

"there is a bit of an issue with that. you see, amelia isn't legally your family and so she cannot come in and see you straight away as your parents have asked to see you as soon as you wake up. no one currently knows you have woken up though, other than me. so before anything happens i need to tell you something." jo is scaring me as i have no idea what she is about to say to me. she sounds very serious and it's a side of her i don't see very often. well never seen before anyway. she never looks this nervous either and the more i analyse her every move the more worried i get.

"i know who you are makenzie" she says with tears in her eyes. at first i'm so scared about what she is going to do with the information that i have changed my name. when i think about it more, i wonder how on earth she knows. josh has been calling me madi since we were young because he couldn't say makenzie so it kinda just stuck over the years, and is the reason i chose madison as my new name. i sit there in shock for a minute, replaying over and over what jo just said to me. if she knows my name then everyone must know right? jo wraps her arms around me, and whispers something in my ear.

"i'm so sorry makkie, i'm so so sorry. i love you so much and i always will."

authors note:
i'm so sorry about the slow updates recently. i'm with family for the next couple of weeks and don't have very much time to write. again i'm so sorry and if you have any suggestions for future chapters let me know :)) also thank you so so so so so much for 2k reads!! it honestly means the world to me!!

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