chapter 27

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madison's POV

i finally get to the attendings lounge and see arizona sat there waiting for me. she looks nervous which makes me even more concerned. i wasn't allowed to bring mum with me so surely it's about her.

"hi arizona, you wanted me?" i say as i walk in.

"yes madison, i just, i-i" she starts fumbling her words.

"arizona, it's okay just say whatever it is you want to say" i try and tell her kindly.

"i want to talk to you about something, and i know we really haven't gotten off to the best start, but i guess i just want to check something with you. as you already know, amelia and i have been getting to know each other a little better these past few weeks, and i think things are becoming more serious. i haven't talked to amelia yet about this because i want to know that you would be okay with it beforehand, but i really want to ask her to be my girlfriend. please say whatever you're thinking right now and i will respect whatever you say. i promise." i don't really know what to say at first. it is quite a big thing to put on me. eventually i say,

"please don't worry about our start because i was never that mad at you at all. i had no right to be, or a right to be mad at mum either but we've moved past that. i have no objections to it at all. i know how happy you make mum, and i can tell when you two have been together that day because she walks through the door with a bigger smile than usual. i think she really likes you and she will definitely say yes. when are you going to do it?"

"thank you so so much madison, as soon as possible, like probably after we are done talking." we both laugh.

"wait, arizona, what am i supposed to call you? like are you going to be my second mum, or like what happens?"

"i don't want to force you to call me anything. it's your decision. if you want to call me mum, i am very happy with that, but i am also happy for you to call me arizona if that's what you would prefer. i really haven't known you very long and i won't be offended or anything by whatever you decide."

"i think i might just stick with arizona for now if that's okay? maybe i'll call you mum one day, i'm not sure." i say nervously.

"that's perfectly fine."

"well then, off you go, quick." i pull out my phone and check mum's location. "she is currently in the neuro wing, good luck" i smile at arizona as she walks away. i'm so excited for mum, she is going to be extremely happy!" i quickly send her a text saying:

i promise, it's okay.

simple enough that she will have no idea what i'm on about when she first reads it, but will know what i mean when arizona asks the question.

amelia's POV

i feel my phone buzz and see a text from mads. it really confuses me because i'm not too sure what she's on about. i start typing a reply but arizona walks up to me.

"amelia come with me please." she drags me outside the hospital and onto a little hidden space underneath a tree.

"what are we doing?" i ask curiously. everything has been slightly strange this evening. first madison's phone call from jo, then her text, now arizona is acting suspiciously.

"amelia, i know we haven't known each other too long, but the moments i have spent with you have made me the happiest person alive. you brighten up my day more than i ever thought someone could, and i want to spend more and more time with you every single day. so amelia, will you be my girlfriend?" omg omg omg, i don't know what to think. maybe this is why so much weird stuff has been happening. there have been secret plans forming. the first thing i think about is mads and what she would think about it all.

"i know you're thinking about madison right now. she says it's okay." so that's what the text meant.

"then yes, yes yes yes yes. of course i will be your girlfriend." i grab arizona's waist and pull her in for a kiss. "i really really like you zona." i call her the nickname i've been wanting to call her for ages.

"i really really like you too mills" aww that's cute, she has a nickname for me too. and i love it. mills. no one has ever called me that before. we hold hands and walk back into the hospital. we agreed that we can tell whoever we want because the news was going to get around anyway by tomorrow morning. it is very hard to keep secrets at Grey Sloan. the first thing i do when i have the chance is call mads.

"what did you say?" is the first thing she asks me when she picks up.

"yes, of course. thank you so much mads, for talking to arizona and everything. i love you. where are you by the way?"

"there's no need to thank me. i'm just doing what is best for you. i'm in the attendings lounge."

"okay see you soon." i hang up the phone and rush to the attendings lounge. all i want to do is hug mads for letting this all happen. she is the only person who i would allow to stop this and i do want to make sure that she is okay with it all and not just saying yes because she feels she has to.

i turn the corner and mads is already stood outside waiting for me. as soon as she spots me she runs up and leaps into my arms.

"i'm so so happy for you mum." she says.

"are you 100% sure you are okay with this? you weren't just saying yes to arizona because you felt you had to?" i ask her.

"no of course not. i genuinely am really really happy for you. i love you mum, and i want you to have everything that makes you happy. always."

"thank you so much. i love you more"

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