chapter 43

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amelia's POV

i am looking forward today but i'm also slightly nervous. eden, mads' girlfriend, is coming over for dinner and i'm not sure how exactly it's going to go. i mean, i know mads is a good child and she wouldn't be dating anyone completely reckless or anything, but i still worry that eden isn't who mads thinks she is and i just don't want mads to get her heart broken. she seems to really like this girl and i know that if anything was to change she would be so incredibly upset. i turn over to look at zona who is still fast asleep next to me. 

she seems to somehow be aware that i'm watching her without even opening her eyes as she groans and turns away from me so that i can't look at her cute little face. 

'you're so cute' i whisper in her ear while wrapping my arms around her body. she pushes back against me so she fits neatly inbetween the C-shape i've made with my body and i continue to snuggle up with her tightly. these are some of my favourite moments with zona, when we can just relax together and nothing even needs to be said to show each other the amount of love we have for the other. it's just perfect. 

eventually zona flips herself over so her head is resting on my chest and i pull her on top of me. i give her a gentle kiss on her forehead before she starts to move making me very uncomfortable. 

'zona, please stay still, you're hurting me' i say playfully. she pushes herself up and leans down towards my face. i feel her warm breath on my lips when she says:

'i'm not comfy either, but i like being on top so you can stop complaining' she says before kissing me passionately. i roll her over so i can get on top of her just to annoy her. she frowns at me before pulling me down on top of her and kissing me deeper and....

madison's POV

today is the day that eden is coming over for dinner and to meet mum and arizona. i'm quite excited for her to finally meet them because i've told eden so much about them and mum knows so much about eden already, zona only slightly less but it wouldn't surprise me if mum has told her everything she knows. i prepare myself for school and then hop in the car with zona who looks very very happy this morning but i choose not to ask why as i can already imagine what's been going on in my household. 

as soon as i walk out of the school gates, i see eden waiting for me. she promised this morning that she would be there to pick me up as her school finishes 30 mins earlier that Orgate does, so she has time to get there. i speed walk up to her and wrap my arms around her neck, snuggling into her coat. she gives me a brief kiss on the cheek as she knows how much i don't like kissing in public before we stroll down the road to the hospital. i take her inside and give her the full tour before bumping into jo. 

'omg jo, hi' i say giving her a hug. 'i know you guys have kinda already met but jo this is eden, eden, jo...yeah' i say trying not to make the situation awkward. jo quickly resolves the awkwardness and starts talking to eden about school when i see mum and arizona coming around the corner. we lock eyes and i instantly grab eden and hide in a patient room before they can see me. 

'mads what are we doing?' eden asks confused. 

'hiding.' i pause. 'i saw mum and arizona and i panicked and hid, well hid you really. i don't know it's just instinct. anyway now we've done the tour we should probably get the bus and head home as mum was on her way out and will therefore be like halfway home already which means we have about 20 mins before we should be there and prepare for the evening and...'

'madi moo, calm down okay? i can tell that you're stressing about all of this and i can promise you that everything is going to be fine. i know that you love your mum and arizona and you want to impress them this evening and make them like me because i know you want them to approve and everything, but that's not your job. that's mine. i'm the one whose supposed to be stressed about this whole evening but somehow you're more stressed than me and i don't know how that works but anyway. i promise everything is going to be okay and you can always squeeze my hand under the table if you need it.' she grabs my hands and holds them tight to make sure that i don't go anywhere. 'okay?' 

'okay eddie, thank you. now we really should go before mum and arizona start to wonder where we've gone.' 

'not quite yet' she says before placing her hand on my cheek and kissing me softly and pulling away quickly. i seize her waist and pull her closer towards me so our hips are touching and i nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck, kissing it gently. 

we stand like that for a few minutes before going outside to get onto the bus and go home. i specifically asked mum and arizona not to wait because i want to arrive with eden together. as soon as we get home i start to freak out again and immediately eden calms me down by grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight to let me know that she is there for me. somehow it works and i get my house keys and open the door. 

'we're here' i shout and mum and arizona come rushing to the door. 'eden, these are my parents. mum and arizona, this is eden.'

arizona's POV

i hear the word 'parents' and instantly freak out in my head. mads basically just called me her parent, and i know she addressed me as arizona afterwards but like parent. that word literally means the world to me and i can't believe she just said that. i completely zone out from the world around me and only come back when mils grabs my hand and nudges me.

'sorry, hi, i'm arizona' i say. we all head through to the living room and mils quickly pulls me aside into the kitchen. before she can say anything i start, 'parent mils, she said parents, that's me, i'm her parent.' i smile. 

'zona, i know, it's amazing, it made me very excited too, but you need to control your excitement a little bit so that we can get through this evening and see what happens. unfortunately, tonight is about mads and eden, not us, well you and mads. i'm sorry.' 

'i know, i know, it's just all quite overwhelming, in a good way.' mils kisses me before we begin cooking dinner. 

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