chapter 20

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amelia's POV

madison had been acting strange for the past few days. maybe not strange, but just different. distant. i am beginning to get worried because this was unusual. my main worry is that she is using again, but i think she would be more upset about it if she was. she generally confesses things to me soon enough after something has happened, so if she is, i think she would have told me by now. that's what i keep telling myself anyway, to try and stop the worrying. i head to the hospital and leave mads at home today because she said she wasn't in the mood to come in. again, this was rather odd but i am letting it slide for now.

i walk into the attendings lounge and see dr wilson and arizona talking, so i go and join in. as soon as i get there everything goes silent.

"did i interupt something?" i ask

"no nothing, we were just talking about madison actually" arizona says

"and...." i say

"she, she really hasn't been acting normal recently, since a couple days ago anyway. is she here today?" arizona says. dr wilson stands beside her not getting involved in the conversation.

"no, she decided not to come, i'm not sure why. more of her abnormal behaviour i guess" i say

"i think, um i think i might know what the issue is. dr shepherd could we have this conversation privately?" dr wilson asks

"i'll leave, it's okay. i have patients to check on anyway." arizona walks out leaving me and dr wilson in the room.

"the other day, madison came to me and told me something that i think might be the reason for her slightly odd behaviour."

"what did she say?" i ask her confused

"well, she heard you having sex in an on-call room the other day, and she started crying about it but she said she didn't know why. i think it was all a little overwhelming for her and maybe she just hasn't gotten over the shock of it all yet?" that explains everything if i'm honest. i would be overwhelmed if i heard my mum having sex. oh shit, it was with arizona, maybe that is the issue? i can't stop thinking of reasons why mads is overwhelmed or upset, all i know is i have to go home immediately.

madison's POV

i opted to not go to the hospital today because i just don't want to be there. i haven't been wanting to talk to anyone so i have just stayed quiet. i want to do drugs to take my mind off everything and my whole new life, but i can't. i really really can't. i am so close to 30 days sober and i can't ruin that now. being at the hospital is a risk to my sobriety because i know exactly where i can get drugs from if i really want them, mum would probably kill me though because she would get the blame. 

suddenly i hear the front door open which was rather a shock because mum isn't supposed to be home until 7pm. i try to look down the stairs to see who had appeared.

"mads" i hear mum shout

"omg you terrified me, why didn't you tell me you were coming back early?"

"i'm so sorry, i kinda forgot that that would be an issue."

"but why are you here?"

"yes i probably should have mentioned that, i needed to talk to you so i just came home because it is easier"

"umm okay then" i say confused. what was so urgent that she needed to come home? she takes me to the sofa and begins acting really seriously. what on earth has happened?

"okay, so..." she pauses. "i found something out today and i just wanted to explain some things to you if that is okay?"

"umm yeah sure" mum is really starting to worry me now.

"i know what you heard, the other day, in the on-call room." shit, how does she know? "i just wanted to say that if you are uncomfortable with it i can stop. i am happy to change parts of my life for you because i want you to be happy."

"no, mum you don't have to. it kinda just shocked me at first but it doesn't bother me anymore. do what you want, it is your life and i can't just come in and ruin it. i promise i am okay with it."

"are you 100% sure?"

"yes mum. i promise"

"okay well i also think there is something else you should know while we are talking about this." i can see that mum is about to start crying.

"mum, you say this to me all the time but you can tell me anything, no matter what it is nothing is going to change. i promise"

"i know, i know. well i'm bisexual, and i will admit that i was with a woman in the on-call room"

"really! i'm so proud of you. thank you for telling me, and i still love you. so much." i shuffle across the sofa and give her a hug. my mum is definitely the best mother in the world.

"thank you mads. and i love you too, so so much."

amelia's POV

i am so glad that mads accepts me. i kinda knew she would anyway, but i was still nervous to tell her. she still loves me though so everything is okay. i don't think it will change anything.

"mads, how would you feel if i got into a relationship? would you want my partner to be a parental figure to you, or like how would you want to go about it?" i ask her. i just want to make sure we have some sort of clear rules in case anything does happen between arizona and i in the future.

"umm i would be okay with it. i can't control your life. just because i call you mum doesn't mean you should change anything for me. i'm not sure about the parent thing, i think it would depend on who they are. if anything does happen, can we talk about it again at the time?"

"yes of course, and fair enough i guess. i wasn't really expecting you to have an answer for me straight away."

after a couple hours of chilling on the sofa watching tv after dinner, mads heads to bed and i follow shortly after. i have a lot of planning to do over the next couple days because it is mads 30th day sober!!

authors note:
like always if you have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to message me or leave a comment :)

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