Chapter 1: A New Life

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*4 Years Later*

You carried the basket full of groceries into your home, you opened the door, and plopped the basket on the dining table in your kitchen, letting out a huff of air as you were completely out of breath.

You turned to the sound of someone coming down the stairs and let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was Ava.

"You're back." She said quietly as she came to help you unpack the food.

"Yeah..." you said, still trying to catch your breath. "Is..." You pointed upstairs." And she nodded, making a sleeping gesture with her hands and you nodded.

As she helped you put all the stuff in their designated areas, you couldn't help but notice how slim she looked. "Did you eat today?" You asked her and she nodded, but didn't look up at you. "Were you able to keep it down?" She froze and looked up at you, giving you your answer. You walked towards her and brushed your thumb on her sunken cheeks. "You need to eat." You pleaded and she let out a sigh as she stood upright.

"I try, but everytime I eat for some reason that battle always runs through my head and next thing I know I'm seeing Ekho's burnt body, and I'm over the toilet puking my guts out." She admitted, and you gave her a sincere look as you continued to brush her cheek. "I really try though." She added, and you believed her.

The months after the battle at Shiganshina, you, Simon and even Levi went to see Ava almost every night to force her to eat, since she couldn't bring herself out of bed, because of how heartbroken she was about Ekho.

"Are you working at the Bar tonight?" You asked her, while putting the last of the things away.

"Nope, not tonight."

"Good." You pulled out the bottle of red wine and she smiled, opening the cupboard where your wine glasses were.

You and Ava poured yourselves a reasonable amount of alcohol and sat across from each other as you began to drink.

You asked Ava how it's been going at the bar and she went on about how she doesn't mind it really, but she could do without the catcalls and ass grabbing some of the men do.

"How are things with Levi." She asked, and you let out a groan of annoyance.

"I barely see him anymore, he leaves early in the morning then when he gets home he just goes straight to sleep." You said, taking a big gulp of your wine now. "You know it's been over a year since we last had sex."

"That bad huh? If it makes you feel any better it's been four years for me since I last..." She made the gestures with her hands and you both scoffed and drank some more. "Have you talked to him about it though?"

"Never get the chance to... I'm either fast asleep when he gets home or he doesn't even come back at all." You admitted and Ava could sense the hurt in your tone.

"Do you still love him?"

"Of course I do." You didn't hesitate. "I just wish his priorities lied somewhere else."

"Is he still obsessing over Zeke?" She asked, pouring herself another glass and you put your glass next to hers so she could fill it up.

You took a deep breath in. "I know him, he won't be able to rest until he fulfils his promise to Erwin." You thanked her when she finished filling your glass and you both took a considerate amount.

"Could you imagine what Erwin would say to us right now?" Ava asked, making a face like she was worried.

"God, he would be so disappointed in us." You laughed out a bit and she choked up on her wine laughing too. "Look at us." You added waving your glass up and she did the same, both of you laughing but immediately shushing each other after you pointed upstairs.

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