Chapter 16: Liberio

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You woke up to the soft set of lips that brushed your cheek. When you opened your eyes, Levi stood up straight holding Kuchel up. Her arms and legs were wrapped around him, holding on for dear life. Her face was pressed into his chest and you could tell she woke up crying.

When you sat up, Kuchel immediately turned her head to you and she opened her arms, wanting to see you next. You held her for a bit and brought her to her room to pack up a few things for a couple of nights.

As you were helping her pack, you both stayed in silence. You didn't know exactly what to say, and Kuchel knew the second she opened her mouth she would start crying. So you both knew to stay quiet.

"(Y/n)?" Levi stuck his head through the door to catch a glimpse at you. "You should start getting ready." He said, and you nodded as you finished folding one of her shirts to pack it.

"Finish up." You said to her as you stood to head out of the room. "We'll leave in thirty, okay?" You looked over your shoulder and she nodded, while continuing to pack.

When you walked into the room, you picked up your new, all black uniform and you ran your fingers along the new fabric.

*Flashback to Yesterday*

Before heading out, you turned to see Hanjie running after you. "(Y/n)! Wait!" She was almost out of breath already and you scoffed.

"What's up?"

"Here!" She passed you some black clothes, and you examined it. "It's our new uniform, makes it easier to move around at night... also it just looks so much cooler, right?" She added and you looked at it a little longer.

It was dark... but she's right... it looks cooler.

"After taking your measurements, I realized you haven't changed much so I kept them the same size as your old uniform, oh..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I did however change your top half a bit." She gestured to her chest. "Because Levi said they got bigger." She laughed and you shot him a glare to which he just shrugged.

"They did." He said, like it was nothing. You rolled your eyes and thanked Hanjie.

"Give this to Ava while you're at it, Simon, Makayla and Nate already have theirs." She handed you the other uniform.

You made your way out to find your squad, and you were happy to see them together, bonding. "Hey!" You waved to them and they waved back. "Here." You handed her the new uniform and she took it, admiring it.

"WOAH!" Ava exclaimed looking at it. "This is so fucking cool! I love this." She looked over the uniform more. "(Y/n) this is perfect for you, you look so hot in all black!" She added and your lips tugged up in a small laugh.

*End of Flashback*

Lada, Leo and Kuchel all escorted you towards headquarters, where you will be saying goodbye to each other. Kuchel was walking between you and Levi, holding both of your hands, while Leo and Lada followed shortly behind you. Everytime you would look at your daughter, she would only look at her dragging feet.

Usually you would tell her to pick up her feet, but... not this time.

When you finally reached headquarters and saw everyone gearing up and packing the airship, you could feel the cool breeze of the night approaching. You looked down as you felt yourself get pulled down. Kuchel was on her knees and she began to sniffle, still never looking away from the ground.

"Hey, can you stand up for me?" Levi asked as he knelt down next to her. She shook her head, never letting go of each of your hands. "Come on." He picked her up and pulled her into his chest. She began to cry out in his chest and you wish you could have done something to stay with her.

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