Chapter 27: Brothers

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"(Y/n)! WATCH IT!" You turned around to find Levi cutting a Titans hand from almost getting a hold of you.

You couldn't help yourself, unable to focus as you looked around frantically for Simon or Athen to show up.

But as things escalated and more and more of these Titans circled in on you, you closed your eyes, letting yourself fall along with Levi. Both of you let your power grow and take over. As you got closer and closer to those faces, all of them resembling their old faces, you apologized to them all, knowing that comrade or not, you were going to have to kill them.

You and Levi worked together. You took one side, while he took another, both of you kept an eye on each other, making sure neither one of you were getting caught.

You moved to another Titan that reached for you, slicing your way up it's arm all the way to his nape. Almost having no time, even with your power turned on, you went to kill the next one after the next one, after the next one.

Your eyes are practically blinded by all the blood that now covers your face.

You dodged one of the hands however, as it swatted at you, you went to slice it's arm to travel up to it's nape, but you retracted back staring in those eyes.

*Flashback to an Hour Ago*


Simon watched as (Y/n) took her leave to join Levi up in the tree.

"Do you still love her?" Athen asked and Simon shot him a glance.

"I've always loved her. She's family."

"No." Athen frowned at Simon. "I'm her only family. You're just someone that came along." He spat.

Simon walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat, choking him now. "I'm more of a brother to her than you ever were!" Simon growled at his... friend.

"You care about her that much?" Athen said, coughing out after his throat was let loose. "She's the reason we've lost so many of our friends and loved ones. Because we always have to protect her." Athen said, spitefully. "Even Ava said it."

"She was drunk." Simon argued.

"Yes. But the truth always comes out... when you're drunk." Athen smirked up at him. "Think about all of the ones we lost because (Y/n) was... 'more important to keep alive'. Ekho... Nifa." Athen made a pained groan as Simon punched him across the face. He did it again and Simon backed away, freaked out at his 'friends' sinister laugh after getting punched.

He leaned in closer however as Athen began to whisper things to himself. "What are you-" Simon cut himself off as he finally heard clearly now.

"(Y/n) is bad and I need to kill her. (Y/n) is bad and I need to kill her. (Y/n) is bad and I need to kill her. (Y/n) is bad and I need to kill her. (Y/n) is bad and I need to kill her." Athen muttered to himself over and over.

Simon frowned at this and punched him again. He watched in absolute disbelief as Athen repeated even louder now those words, but now tears in his eyes. At first it looked like it pained him to say this, but after he had a sinister grin as he repeated the words.

"What the fuck did they do to you?" Simon asked in disbelief. It broke him that he could only stand here and watch as his friend was tortured and beaten to the point where he didn't even know who he was himself anymore.

"They made me see humanity's future. Humanity's only future." Athen said, with awe as if he could see the future.

"You really lost your-"

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