Chapter 4: 🍋's

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It was almost dawn and Levi still hasn't come home. You sat at your kitchen table now finishing the last couple of sips of your wine from your glass.

When the door opened, you didn't even look up and you knew he paused in the door frame, seeing you awake. He closed the door softly behind him and put all his papers down.

That stupid paper work. That stupid fucking paper work.

"Where were you?" You asked, your voice was low because of how tired you were.

"Why are you still-"

"Where. were. you?" You asked again more sternly now, and he paused in his tracks.

"Where I always am..."

You scoffed, spinning the last of the wine in your glass. "Where you always are... did you forget something?" You asked, finally looking up at him.

"W-what?" And this for some reason really set you off. The glass broke in your hand and you stood up from the chair, now furious with him.

"Like your fucking family?!" You yelled, and he looked like he wanted you to be quiet.

"Sh, I don't want Kuchel to hear us-"

"She's not fucking here, Levi!" He looked surprised at this. "She's spending the night with auntie Ava, because mommy is tired of coming up with reasons for everytime she asks 'where's daddy?' 'When's daddy coming home?' 'Is daddy going to kiss me goodnight tonight?'"

"I always kiss her good-"

"SHE DOESN'T KNOW THAT!" You cut him off. "Because she's dead asleep when you come back home, just like me! You have a fucking family now, do you know that?!"

"OF COURSE I KNOW THAT!" He now yelled back at you.

"Then why do you not care or at least act like you love us?! I'm tired of this, Levi! I'm sick and tired of raising Kuchel all by myself! I can't stand that I'm stuck here feeling alone and unloved every night and having to convince OUR daughter that her daddy still loves her, when he can't even make the fucking effort to come home early enough to spend some time with her!" You picked up the basket that had some bread in it and you launched it at him, to which he dodged. "If you didn't want a kid, then why the fuck did you agree to have her with me?!" He took a step towards you and you put your hand up to stop him. "DON'T YOU DARE COME ANYWHERE NEAR ME RIGHT NOW!"

"(Y/n)! Would you calm down already?! I did want her, because I knew I would love her and I do love her!" He argued back with you.

"Do you?! Because ever since all those years ago all I hear from you is Zeke this, Zeke that, 'oh, I think I know how I can take down Zeke.' You're so fucking obsessed with that fucking beast man that you forgot about your own family, all because you can't ever let go of any situations you feel like you failed in! And now," you laughed sarcastically, "now you even failed at being a dad! Just like my fucking-"


Did he really just...

"Fuck- I want you out!" You exclaimed making your way to the bedroom. "I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS FUCKING HOUSE!" You sneered, storming into the room.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm not going anywhere!" He followed after you.

"Yes you are! I want you out! I want you gone, because I can't keep living like this!" You opened your drawers, grabbing piles of his clothes and throwing it at him, but he would either catch them and throw them to the floor or move out of the way. "I keep trying! I keep trying to leave and convince myself that if I just run off with Kuchel, you wouldn't even notice! But, I can't seem to!" You grabbed more of his stuff and threw them again. "I can't do that, because for some fucking reason, despite you being an absolute shit of a husband, I'm still so fucking in love with you!" You both went quiet, just staring at each other for a few seconds and you let out a shudder feeling those tears now come. "And every night, I keep telling myself that it will be different, hoping that you will come home early." You wiped the tears away quickly with the back of your hands. "But you never do." You whimpered, but it was as if you remembered you were mad as you turned to the drawer and continued to empty it. "Do you know how frustrating it is, to lie to your daughter every night? Do you know how hurtful it is when you haven't heard your husband say 'I love you' in almost a year now?! Or a husband who barely looks at you now?! Or a husband who hasn't fucked you in over a year!"

The Final Chapters: Book 4: Love, Lies and LeviWhere stories live. Discover now