Chapter 39: My Brother

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Without a second thought you jumped off of Falco, ignoring all of those above you calling for you. You grew more and more worried as you weren't falling fast enough to catch up with Kuchel.

You heard Reiner call Jean to jump with him.

At this moment you had two options, either hope for the best that you'll be able to catch up with her in time or launch one of your hooks in her to catch her before one of the Titans do, but with how small and fragile she is, launching your hook in her could result in some permanent damage. But at this rate it looked like permanent damage would have to suffice.

That was, until you heard a small voice call.

"I got her!" You saw Piecks small body run down the spear that had impaled her Titan.

She jumped and the light of her shift was quick and she caught Kuchel in her mouth. At the last second you launched one of your hooks in a bone, and you groaned out at the sharp tug it had.

You were shocked to see Reiner land next to you, immediately decapitating one of the Titans that had come charging in your direction, then doing it to a second, then third. To your left you saw Jean now speeding in cutting at every nape he could.

"Go get Kuchel, I'll take care of the explosif!" Jean shouted as he zoomed by you.  You didn't want to leave Jean alone to face all of those Titans, but you had to go for Kuchel.

You shot ahead to where Pieck was dodging Titans left and right, clawing at the back of some of their napes, killing them.

"Pieck over here!" You shouted, pointing at an area where there were very few Titans. For the ones that were close by, you sliced through them like they were nothing, realistically nothing was going to get in the way of you and your daughter.

Pieck made her way towards you and there was a moment of hesitation and she spat Kuchel out at you, forcing you to rush over to go get her. When you caught Kuchel you had realized why Pieck didn't come all the way to you as the Cart Titans body was now burst into a pile of blood and guts.

"PIECK!" You heard Jean call out from next to you, and even you were at a loss for words.

You looked down at Kuchel as she coughed out, her body covered in the Cart Titans saliva. "Hey! Are you okay? Look at me." You said, shaking your daughter and her little eyes opened to meet yours, you let out a sigh of relief, and another one when you saw smoke come out of the demolished Titans' nape and pieck came running out.

"If you guys think I'm a Titan that's only good for odd jobs, you're wrong!" She said and another flash appeared and Piecks Cart Titan grew again, ripping the head off of the Titan right in front of her. Another claw of a Titan ripped at Pieck's, but she jumped out and re-did what she had just done, continuing to fight.

You wanted to go and help her and Jean, however with Kuchel in your hands you had to find a way to get her back up to Falco.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Levi call out for you and you looked up to see Falco's Titan coming towards you and Kuchel. You shot up to one of the bones, getting yourself as high as you could and away from the Titans charging at you.

As you were almost there, Falco dove down so you could drop on him at the right time, but at the last minute a Titan made its way to where you were swiping at your wire, forcing you to fall earlier than expected. As you began to plummet, Kuchel screamed in your arms and you tried to keep her close.

"(Y/n)!" At the last second you looked up at Mikasa calling for you and Falcos Titan was just about to be under you.

If you didn't time this properly, Kuchel and you would plummet to the awaiting Titans at the bottom.

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