Chapter 9: Back on Scout Territory

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You woke up earlier than everyone else in the house. When you looked over at Levi, he was still asleep breathing heavily. You cuddled into him, but then rolled away slowly, carefully trying not to wake him up. When you were successful.

You stood up and you cursed out having to sit back down. For a split second you were about to smack Levi for going too hard on you last night, but you didn't want to wake him.

You quietly made your way to change and headed out of the room. You stopped by Kuchels room checking on her and she was still asleep, wrapped around her pillow.

You closed her door slightly and made your way to the front door.

It was so early the sun only rose maybe an hour ago, but it was quite peaceful walking around the town when it was this quiet.

It took you a couple of minutes to find your way back to the place you never thought you'd find yourself again.

You spotted the stables and smiled at the horses poking their heads out. You made your way slowly to the gas supply room, but paused when you heard a horse cry out loudly, thrashing in its stable. When you turned around to see which one, you knew exactly what horse it was, as you only knew one that acted like that.

When you approached her stable and stuck your hand slowly to her, she immediately calmed down, pushing her nose to your hand.

"Hi Sweety." You smiled pressing your forehead to her now. "How are you doing girl?" You asked softly petting her now. You looked over and saw a bucket full of apples and you picked one up and fed it to her. "I missed you." You admitted, petting her softly again.

"Don't worry she's being taken care of still." You turned to see Hanjie walking towards you. "Well she hasn't been out much in battle, but most of them haven't in a while." She admitted. "But everyone tries to take their horses every so often to keep them moving." She added and you turned to sweety, pouting a bit knowing she probably hasn't been taken out in a while.

"Sorry girl." You said petting her side of the head more now.

"Oh, don't worry, Levi takes her out from time to time. He takes good care of her." You looked at Hanjie, astonished that he managed to get control over Sweety. "Unfortunately no one else can take her out because of how stubborn she is. She seems to only be loyal to you." She added and you smirked up at her agreeing with Sweety's tendencies.

"How have you been?" You asked her, finally giving your full attention to her and not your horse. "I remember you weren't too thrilled about becoming Commander." She let out a huge sigh, leaning back on the stables.

"It's not easy... I feel like everything has gotten worse too, we're all so confused..." She confessed and you rubbed her shoulder lightly, knowing how stressed she must be with everything going on. "You know," she looked up at you, "I tried to force him to go home early." You furrowed your brows not knowing what she was talking about. "Levi... I noticed how late he was staying and I kept telling him to go home to you and- and Kuchel. I told him to be with his family, but I think with how confused everyone is, everyone's been trying to find solutions to all of their own problems." You looked down at your feet as you pushed yourself back on the stables next to her.

"Thank you." You met her gaze. "I appreciate that. He's been coming home earlier and Kuchel loves it."

"She got so big." Hanjie snickered.

"Well yeah last time you saw her she was just barely two years old. You know, you can always come see her, if you're ever... you know very stressed. Kuchel's good at getting your minds off of things." And she smiled.

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