Chapter 5: Family

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You bit down on Levi's shoulder as you were riding him. Both of you sitting upright in bed as you went up and down on his length with the help of your knees.

All night you couldn't keep your hands off of eachother... all night. And after finally getting some rest the second you guys woke up, you couldn't help yourself as you helped him wake up in the best way possible.

You were both moaning, occasionally muffling the sounds as you locked lips. You started to go down and up on him harder now and you angled your head back to give Levi room to suck on your neck. You slowed down a bit when you could have sworn you heard someone knocking at the door.

"What are you doing?" Levi panted, still kissing up your neck and to your jaw as you continued to move your hips, but not as hard anymore.

"Did you hear that?" You asked, slightly out of breath, moving a little faster now as you didn't hear the sound again. "I thought I heard someone knocking at the door." You said, but moaned as he nipped at your jaw.

"Well you were just riding me pretty hard, it was probably just the headboard." He said, marking you now.

Yeah he was probably right.

He slapped your ass really hard and you let out a small squeal and laugh. "Now come on, ride me harder." He murmured and you giggled as you started to move your ass up and down again, faster.

"HELLO!" You paused, and you both looked in the direction of your window. "Are you alive up there (Y/n)?!" You could hear clearly now that it was Ava.

"It's just Ava she'll go away." Levi stated, moving in to kiss your lips again.

"(Y/n)?! If you don't answer I swear to god I'll go back home and dig up my old ODM to climb up your stupid house!" You turned back to look at the window, but Levi grabbed your neck, and turned you back to look at him.

"Come on baby, kiss me."


That's when you heard the small voice. "You shouldn't say fuck."

"Shit!" You pushed yourself off of Levi and ran to grab your silk robe, throwing it over you and tying it. You rushed over to the window and looked down to see Ava holding Kuchel's hand. "Sorry, I'll be down in just a second." You shouted and ran to pick up Levi's clothes and you threw it at him. "Get dressed." You rushed out of the room now, to go down the stairs.

You opened the door quickly and it took Ava one look at you to understand why it took so long to open the door. "Well... glad to see everythings back to normal." She smirked.

"Mommy!" Kuchel ran in your arms.

"Hi baby." You smiled, stroking her hair a bit. "Did you have fun last night?" You asked her and she nodded.

"I love auntie Ava! Did you have fun last night mommy?" She asked.

"I bet she did." Ava answered and you shot her a warning glare. "Ou... I haven't gotten that stare in years." She smiled and you rolled your eyes scoffing.

"I have a surprise for you." You smiled at your daughter, who was still holding your hand.

"A surprise?!" She exclaimed and you nodded.

"Mhm." You looked up at Ava as you stood. "Thank you by the way, I really needed that night." She only raised her hand and shook her head.

"I can't stay any longer however, I have to go open up the bar today, I'll see you tomorrow." She waved as she closed the door behind her.

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