Chapter 6: Athen

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You opened the file and started to read the first couple of lines, but a few stuck with you more than the others

Athen, taken by Marleyan soldiers... suspected to have been missing... suspected to have been used for information... suspected to have joined...

You let out a sigh of frustration as you thought back of the time you failed to save him... for the first time in your life.


You and Simon landed running to the edge where 32 ships from the enemy side approached you all. "What the fuck is this?" Simon said confused as to what was approaching. "Are they stupid? They just lost everything here, now they're trying to come back?"

"I guess this is their attempt to continue the operation." You grabbed his hand and ran to hide behind something as you saw Armin and Eren approach.

"So what do we do Captain?" He asked you, kneeling down next to you.

"Nothing. We let those two take care of it, unless they manage to get by, which I doubt, then we take them out." He nodded and you both ducked as both Eren and Armin now transformed into their Titan forms. Armin far enough to not impact any of your guys.

You watched as the two barely did anything, they just stomped and destroyed each attack ship that tried to close in.

"Well this makes our jobs a lot easier." Simon said as you guys both watched the same thing in front of you, hearing distant cries of men from afar. "So, how's Kuchel?" You scoffed at his attempts of having a casual conversation.

"She's fine." You looked over at him, but then back a head at the fight.

"Is she just home alone?"

"No Simon, my one year old is not just home alone. She's with Leo's mom." You said, but you turned around to a couple of loud noises from the right side of you.

"Well, my bad for-"

"Sh, shut up." You covered his mouth with one hand and listened more attentively. You heard the sounds more clearly now, and right away you knew they were gunshots. You stood up, looking in the direction where the sounds were coming from.

"(Y/n)?" Simon whispered following you, and you pulled out your blades, you continued to walk forward, barely able to see with how dark it was out already and because of the fog and smoke rolling in.

"Stay behind me." You ordered Simon, and he did. You squinted as you could see shadows move before you and immediately a shot went off, and you saw a quick burst of light, and just at the last second you brought your blade up and you could feel the force of it hit it, splitting your blade in half, slicing the side of your cheek.

As you groaned out in frustration, you launched one of the blades in the same direction, and it impaled the man in front of you, a couple of shots went off, and you pulled Simon to the ground with you.

There were so many shots, more than you've ever seen go off at the same time.

How were they reloading so fast?

A few more shots went off, but then it fell silent, and you heard one of the clips come loose. You took your chance and ran out, pulling one more blade out. Now charging forward and them unable to see you, you were quick to move between bodies, slicing through all of them, with Simon following you getting all the ones you either missed, or snuck up from another angle.

Getting through most of them, you guys took a breather hiding behind something once again and you took the chance to peak over to see how they got on the island. But before you could act, you heard people run up from behind you.

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