Chapter 33: A Night in Bed (🍋ish)

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"(Y/n)?" He whispered, moving in closer, hesitantly and he reached for her.


"Are you awake?"

"No." She groaned, tiredly.

He was about to say something else, but he realized maybe now wasn't the best of times to talk about this.

So, he turned himself over and away from her, letting out a huge sigh. Trying his best to get some rest.

He felt a hand slide down his chest and move down to his abs. "You okay?" She asked, placing her chin on his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

He let out a big exhale and she hugged him tighter. "What's wrong?" She asked, grazing her finger along his bare chest.

He turned over on his back to look at her and she rested her head on his chest, tracing circles on his abs. "I was thinking about our wedding night." He admitted.

"Mhm." He felt her smile against him.

"You see, you're so happy thinking about how amazing that night was-" she put a finger to his lips, shutting him up.

"If you manage to ruin my memory of that night and turn it into something sad... I'll be very pissed off with you." She threatened, and he just gave her a disappointed look. "What is it?" She pushed.

"I'll never be able to have you feeling that way again." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." She said bluntly.


"Don't ever say anything stupid like that again." She groaned out and took his hand in hers. "Look, you have all your fingers on this hand, and all of these," she let go of his hand and dragged her finger over his scars, "don't even think for a second I don't like them." She leaned over, kissing his lips softly. "What are you so afraid of huh? That you're going to suddenly be bad in bed that I'll leave you?" She asked. "Actually..." She made a worried face like she would leave him if he was bad in bed, making Levi groan out in annoyance, and rolling away from her.

She giggled loudly and wrapped herself around him, sneaking an arm under his, and resting it on his abs.

"You know I'm joking." She laughed, but from his silence she knew it was probably not the best to joke about it. "Okay fine, I'm sorry, that wasn't very nice." She wrapped around him tighter and moved up to kiss him on the cheek. "I just find it ridiculous you'd think I'd ever leave you." She whispered in his ear. "I love you no matter what, plus," she dragged her hand down and palmed his member, "even if you can't do the work, you know I love to be in control." She snickered against his ear, taking his lobe between her teeth, while feeling him harden more and more against her palm. "Mmm, it seems like you still get horny so easily." She teased, and forced him on his back.

He couldn't help but let out a small scoff as his wife climbed over him, being gentle enough to avoid hurting him.

"Let me prove to you we can still have fun." She said against his lips and began to ascend, leaving a trail of wet, soft kisses down his chest. He took a sharp intake of air, as she now hovered over his scarred abdomen. She lightly pressed soft kisses on each and every one of them, while looking up in his eyes.

She looped her fingers in the waistband of his briefs and slipped them down, letting his erection spring free.

She made a satisfied sound at the sight of his hardness and she dragged her tongue from the bottom of his member to his tip. Levi groaned, letting his head fall to the sheets as his wife teased his tip.

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