Chapter 41: "We're Done"

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Mikasa grabbed Eren's severed head as she fell to her knees, steam and smoke enclosing around you and her.

She brought his head up to hers and she kissed his lips.

"(Y/n)!" You looked down now at Levi. "We gotta get down from here, the body is going to fall." He said and you looked up at the Colossal Titan steam now escaping from it and it began to fall to its knees.

You turned back to Mikasa. She was hugging Erens head to her chest, tears in her eyes.

"Mikasa..." Your heart ached for her. "We need to go." She nodded and you shot down, Levi already made his way down it seemed.

As you landed, you couldn't see a single thing in front of you, there was so much smoke, way too much smoke, you could barely see a foot ahead of you.

There was so much of it and you couldn't believe this was only coming from Armin and Eren. A little part of you wanted to shoot up and run looking for where Falco landed with Kuchel, but if you ran blind into this smoke who knows what you would run into.

Suddenly it's like you felt something graze over your shoulders and almost like something pulled you to stand and before you knew it, you were standing up and walking letting whatever was getting you to walk lead you.

As you walked through the smoke you finally saw two figures in front of you, you froze in place seeing the blonde boy lying on his back with Kuchel sitting over him, her hand pressed to his chest.

"Kuchel!" You ran to her and knelt down next to Falco. You pulled her into your embrace and kissed her on top of her head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said against you, but pushed you a little as she gestured to Falco. "He's still alive." You pulled him onto you, his head resting on your lap as you pressed your fingers to his neck checking for a pulse. You let out a sigh of relief feeling a heartbeat.

"What happened?" You asked her.

"When we landed I was still resting on his back, but all of the sudden his body started steaming and he shrunk and shrunk until he was no longer in his Titan form." She said as you wiped some dirt off of his face.

You looked up now seeing that some of the smoke was now blowing away, but you noticed that there were no Titans around any of you, most of their heads would be popping up from above the smoke, but there were none. Kuchel also mentioned that Falco just lost his ability to stay a Titan.

That's it... Eren had said that he would make the power of the Titans vanish from this world. He did this for us... to live long...

You closed your eyes, still stroking Falco's head, waiting for him to wake up. When you looked up it was quite strange actually, more and more bodies now seemed to appear in front of you. You spotted Gabi in the mix.


"GABIIIII!" You jumped as Falco shot up from your lap and he sprinted to where Gabi stood. She couldn't even do anything as he tackled her to the floor in a hug.

You smiled to yourself seeing the two taking each other in their embraces, looking as if they never wanted to let one another go.

You felt a hand, then a second, thena third on the side of your arm. Confused as to who it could be, you looked up and you saw them... all three of them, standing a few feet behind you. You stood up, taking Kuchels hand and tears now filled your eyes as Ekho, Simon and Athen stood there, smiling at you.

It was them... in the smoke. They turned around and a gust of wind grazed against your back, hinting to follow after them.

Your legs shook a bit, but you followed.

Seeing the three of them together brought you back to the earlier days, when you were all scouts... before everything went to...

Flashbacks of you smiling all together in training or all of those nights locked in someone's bedroom talking shit about everyone. You giggled to yourself thinking about them, while another tear escaped the side of your cheek.

Oh what you would give to be huddled into a group hug with all three of them and Ava like before.

You paused seeing Levi sitting there, looking up at... at almost every scout you and Levi fought alongside. You walked closer to Levi, his eyes were locked on them and you knelt next to him.

When you looked back up to where he was looking you broke even more as Athen, Simon and Ekho took their place next to them, your eyes locking on a smiling Hanjie and Erwin.

"Hey guys..." Levi said, and you looked over to where your old squad now stood. Gunther, Eld, Oluo and Petra, all of them smiling down at you and Levi. "You see that?" They all looked like they were heartbroken at Levi's reaction. "Guess this is the result of... all of your devoted hearts." You glanced over at him and you saw a tear escape his eye.

When you looked back up at everyone they had their fists to their chests, it took you and Levi a second, but you both put your fists to your chests, and watched as their bodies vanish with the rest of the smoke.

You felt Kuchel wiggle out of your grasp as she went to her father, his hand still pressed to his chest. She reached for it with her small hand and Levi grabbed it pulling her into him. They didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. He held onto her tightly, his eyes closed as he embraced her, it looked like he never wanted to let her go.

His eyes finally opened and he met your gaze. "Now..." You said, realizing you've lost your voice a bit. "Now I think it's done." You let out a small chuckle accidentally and you quickly covered your mouth.

"I fucking hope so." Levi said.

"You shouldn't say fuck." Kuchel said and you moved in closer to the both of them, wrapping yourself around them both. Levi's arm grazed your back now, pulling you tighter into them.

You were so happy that you were here for this, to be in their arms again, your family.

"Can we go home now?" Kuchel asked as you all pulled away, but still held one another.

"Yes... we can-" You cut yourself off as you heard arguing behind you. Men were now pointing guns at Annie and her father with all  the others behind them. "Nevermind," you sighed, "I guess it's not over." You went to stand, but Levi gripped your wrist.

"No." He said, his eyes locked on something in the distance. You looked over your shoulder to what it could be and it was Mikasa... walking away in the other direction of the confrontation taking place on the other side of you. "It's over." He said, looking up at you now. "We're done..." He inhaled deeply. "Armin will handle it." He gestured with his head and you looked to where he was looking and saw Armin marching towards the crowd. His grip tightened around your wrist forcing you to look in his eyes. "We're done, (Y/n)... let's go home."

It took you a few seconds before finally nodding. "Yeah... Let's go home."

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