Chapter 12: 🍋's

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Levi rushed over to you, not giving you any time to react, He picked you up, lying you down on the table.

He hovered over you, pressing his lips to yours. Your hands immediately found his belt, and you began to undo the buckle, while opening your mouth for him to stick his tongue in. You gasped as he grabbed your wrists, forcing them over your head, pushing his growing bulge against your front.

His lips found your neck and you were quick to pull the back of his shirt over his head. He separated from you so he could pull it off completely, and you sat up right wanting to touch his still perfect body. But he forced you down by your wrists.

You laughed out as he tugged you to the edge of the table, pulling your pants down, leaving you just in your underwear. He picked up the handcuffs, holding them up for you. "Is this what you want?" He smirked down at you.

"Mhm." You bit your lip, holding your arms up for him to cuff you, but he pulled them away, grabbing your wrists with one hand and pulled on you to sit up again.

"Take this off." He tugged at the bottom of your shirt and you were quick to do so, anything so he could cuff you.

You extended your arms out for him again and he snickered. "Such an impatient girl." He hummed, taking one of your wrists and cuffing it. You were waiting for him to cuff the other, but he paused. When you met his eyes, he smiled sweetly at you. "Come, give me a kiss." You smiled and leaned forward to meet his lips, but you gasped as you were yanked off of the table, stumbling, with your face pressed up against his chest. You didn't even have time to react as your body was spun around and your face was pushed down on the table. He grabbed your other wrist and cuffed your hands behind your back.

You felt him kneel down behind you, and with one push he spread your legs apart. He dragged one of his hands up the inside of your thigh, making your legs move on their own and spreading wider for him. You could almost feel his smirk between your legs. He slowly began to lick upwards towards your centre and you couldn't help yourself as you squirmed under his sweet touch.

You choked up as his hand slapped hard across your ass, making your knees almost give in a bit. "Hold still." He ordered and you tried to straighten out, but couldn't. "Tch." he pulled you up, turning you around and lifted you once again on the table. He forced himself over your body so you would lie down and he lifted your legs, so your feet would rest on the edge, but spread them wider. "Lift." He tapped your hip and with the help of your feet, you lifted your hips up, letting him slide the fabric off of your body. After slipping them off, he moved in, kissing down from your knee, down to the top of your inner thigh.

Your head fell back, and your back arched as he started to suck at the skin, so close to your entrance.

Fuck. You wanted him to kiss you there.

You moaned as he finally let go of your skin and moved over, hovering over your core. You could feel his breath on your clit and it caused you to arch your back. You went to grab his hair, but made a slight noise of annoyance as your wrists tugged on the medal around it.

He let out a low laugh from deep in his throat and you lifted your hips up so his lips could meet where you wanted him to lick and kiss you. "I love how desperate you get." He muttered in his low tone. He kissed just over your slit ever so lightly, getting you excited, thinking he was going to start, but you groaned out as he just moved to your other leg, starting at your knee again.

You hooked your legs over his shoulder and attempted to pull him down, but you yelped as he grabbed onto your thighs and bit down on your inner thigh. You tried to move a bit at how badly the pinch hurt, leading you to knocking over your plate and glass to the floor, shattering them.

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