Chapter 18: Thank you Sasha

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You honestly couldn't even be bothered with the conversation going on between the six of them. You were too focused on Athen, who was still knocked out in the corner next to Zeke and Eren.

He wanted to kill you earlier... He saw you and didn't see you as his sister. They brainwashed him to the point where he didn't even recognize his own family. He almost fucking killed Simon too, his bestfriend.

Getting him back to normal was definitely going to be a challenge.

You looked over your shoulder at the sound of the people in the other room yelling loudly.

"Tch. Are they still cheering?" Levi groaned out, and everyone turned to the sound of it. At first you didn't think much of it, until Mak's eyes widened, forcing you to look at her, scared.

When she looked up at you, she looked even more panicked. "Those aren't cheers, captain. It sounds like-"

You all looked as Jean entered the room now, two bloodied up kids in his hands, tied up.

"Gabi... Falco... Why are you here?!" Zeke said to them in a panic.

"Why?- What about you sir?!" The little boy said, both of them were on the verge of tears. "You're still alive?!" He added.

"But!" The girl shrieked, you winced at her voice. "How could you have been captured by these devils?!"

"Who are these brats?" Levi said, looking down at them as he approached.

Jean nudged them both forward. "They killed Lobov and used his equipment to board the ship." He looked sad all of the sudden and nudged the girl forward. "And then... this girl..." he hissed. "Shot Sasha." He looked up at you all now. "I don't think she's going to make it..." Both you and Levi looked at each other in fear now... no worry as you heard this.

You stood still, in place as everyone, including Simon and Ava rushed out of the room calling for Sasha as they began to weep.

All that was left in the room was the three that were tied up, the two kids, Jean, Yelena, Levi and you... You couldn't seem to draw your attention back to what was going on in the room as you heard your squad and part of Levi's talking in a panic.

You looked up as the door to the pilots room opened as Hanjie finally came back in, giving a few last orders to Onyankopon.

"So? Would you say that everything went to plan... Zeke?" Hanjie asked, and you now looked at Levi confused, not exactly knowing what was happening

"What?" The young girl looked at Zeke. She looked just as confused as you were

"For the most part... But there were a number of miscalculations." Zeke stated, looking down.

Oh right... This was all a part of Eren's plan. Well... Zeke's plan.

Hanjie turned in your direction, her eyes locking on the two kids. "Hm? Who are these kids?" She asked, eyeing their bloodied faces.

"Miscalculations." Your eyes met his then up at Yelena who was just looking down at her feet. You frowned as you approached her.

"Speaking of casualties. Yelena!" She looked up at you slowly. "What happened to you locking up the two Titans?! Some of our soldiers are dead because of them!" You snapped, remembering all of the bodies that fell next to you because of the two titans that were supposed to be locked away.

"Sorry..." She looked down. "I did manage to trap those two down in that hole... But then I let them get away. That was my fault." She finally looked up at you, but to be honest... You didn't know if you trusted her.

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