Chapter 14: Meeting

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"Thank you so much for today, Captain (Y/n)!" Nate exclaimed, waving excessively at you as him and Mak were heading out to go home. Mak was waving too, but in a way where you could tell who was the more mature one between the two.

"I loved that stupid kids face when you pinned him against the wall!" Simon laughed, throwing his arms over both yours and Ava's shoulders. "That'll teach him to never pick on humanity's strongest human." He teased and both you and Ava started to chuckle, wrapping your arms around him. "God, I've missed you guys!" He pulled you guys in tighter, and feeling him hold you like this again was so comforting. "Now, we just need Athen back and we'll be our squad again." He said cheerfully, letting you both go and you gave him a sad smile.

"Do you know anything about him? Like what's going on?" Ava asked you and you nodded.

"A bit..." You looked down. "He's-" You hesitated to figure out the words and looked up at Armin calling for you.

"We have a meeting and we'll be needing you there!" He announced and gestured to you to come over.

"I'll catch you guys later, okay?" You smiled.

"Well, we're going to go to a bar after this, if you want to join us?" Simon offered.

"No, sorry... I should really get back to Kuchel." You said and they both made a face like they forgot you had a child. Maybe it was because of the whole dynamic we had today. "See you guys!" You waved at them and ran towards Armin.

"Nice to see you and your squad look like how it once was." Armin said, walking with you.

"It'll never be what it was once before." You admitted and he nodded, knowing how right you were. "How are you holding up?" You asked, rubbing the back of his neck as you guys walked, and it was as if he appreciated the touch, it seemed to have relaxed him a bit.

"Could be better..." He sighed, giving you a soft smile.

"Well, don't push yourself too much." You tapped him on the shoulder and you both entered the office to have your meeting.

Everyone was already sitting down, and there was an empty chair next to Levi that you knew was yours. Before you could sit you were stopped by a very tall figure standing in front of you.

"Captain (Y/n)..." The tall woman said in awe. She grabbed your hand and began to shake it very strongly. "It's such an honour to meet you, I've heard so much about you! You're such a big name amongst these people!" She gestured to everyone in the room. "Your skills are talked about around the world, you're so feared." She smiled, still never letting go of your hand.

"You must be Yelena." You smiled and she smiled, shaking your hand more now. "It's nice to meet you too, I've heard what you've done to help us." You added, trying to pull your hand away.

"We should start the meeting." Hanjie stated and Yelena let you go. You walked over to Levi as he pulled your chair out. You sat down and right away Levi rested back in his chair, one arm draped over the back of yours. "So, (Y/n)..." You looked up as Hanjie smiled. "We heard you haven't changed." Hanjie placed her face between her hands as she leaned on the table.


"We heard about your little encounter with Floch." Levi said and you nodded, finally knowing what they were talking about.

"Yeah... I guess my patience is still limited, despite having a child now." You said and they all snickered.

"Well, it's good to have you back. But now to discuss the matter at hand." Hanjie threw a letter in the middle of the table. "Eren finally wrote us a letter." Mikasa picked it up to read it. "We know where he is now, and we know he's planning something, other than that... there isn't much detail. We know he wants to come back home, but under certain circumstances-"

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