Chapter 32: 🍋's

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When they pulled away from each other, their faces still lingered closely, he gave her a wicked grin. Neither one of them could hear the crowd of people cheering at the reception. "Let's get out of here, I got a sneak peak at what you have under and I can't wait to see it on you when I fuck you senselessly tonight." He hissed in her ear, and she shuddered at his tone, her legs shaking.

"Okay." Her voice was breathless and he smirked, grabbing her hand and dragged her through the crowd of people, clapping and smiling for the both of them.

As they were almost past everyone, she made a strained noise at the feeling of someone pulling on her other arm and Levi shot a disapproving look behind them.

"No, wait! Where are you going?!" Ava pouted.

"Ava, fuck off." Levi groaned out and she made an offended noise, while tugging back on (Y/n)'s arm.

Levi tugged back, pulling (Y/n) closer to him. "Hey! All of these people are here to celebrate you guys, you have to stay a little longer." She frowned, tugging on (Y/n) once again.

The poor girl winced as it felt like her best friend and husband were about to rip her arms off. They continued to bicker at one another and pull on (Y/n) until Simon and Athen approached.

"Come on Ava." Simon wrapped his arms over her from behind, holding her arms down, and she pouted again. "We gotta let these two finish off the night properly." Simon winked at (Y/n) and she blushed. When her eyes met her brothers she scoffed at him making a fake puking gesture.

"But... But I spent so much time putting this together and I want-"

"Here Ava, let's go get some drinks alright?" Athen cut her off, sticking an arm out for her, and she finally gave in, grabbing onto his arm, and she hooked her other with Simon's arm.

"Thank you Ava, this was truly wonderful, I appreciate it so much." (Y/n) said as she was still looking over her shoulder at her.

"We appreciate it." Levi added and Ava couldn't help but smile now.

"Really?! Because I thought you guys would-"

Simon quickly covered her mouth with his hand and turned to the newly weds. "Guys, go! Go have fun before we can't get this one under control." Simon practically begged and the two laughed out a bit, before Levi tugged on his wife's arm to indicate that it was time to go.

Both Athen and Simon looked over their shoulders at the couple running, both of them having a soft smile displayed on their faces.

"He really does love her..." Simon said, and Ava and Athen looked up at Simon.

"Obviously.. Are you finally just realizing that or something?" Ava questioned.

"No, no it's just I don't think I've ever seen the Captain laugh before, and it's all  because of her." He admitted and Ava nodded while giving a soft smile.

"He makes my sister happy too." Athen chimed in, all of them still walking together, arms liked and everything. "I like how much she smiles nowadays, and it's all because of him." He hated to admit it, but it was true.

Ava made a sad noise. "Do you guys think I'll ever find someone that loves me that much?"

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Don't worry Ava, you'll find someone." Ekho now appeared in front of them, handing her a drink and she smiled thanking them all before they all went to partying.

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