Chapter 34: On the Ship

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"Mind if I join you?" Annie asked and you nodded, both of you now turning and sliding down to sit next to each other. She cleared her throat and hugged her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry about-"

"Let's not talk about that." You cut her off, not wanting to think back at your entire squad that she killed.

"Okay, but I am sorry I just... um.."

"Did what you needed to do?" You helped her finish her sentence.


"I get it." You said, looking up at the sky. "Same goes for us, we did what we needed to, in the end every one of us thinks we're right." You looked at her now and she made a disappointed face.

"So we won't be landing in Liberio." She said, playing with her hands, nervously.

"Doesn't seem like it. According to Hanjie the rumbling would have already conquered Liberio before we land there." You admitted and she just nodded, hugging her knees closer to her chest. "I'm sorry if you have family there, hopefully they left before the rumbling arrives." You tried to say cheerfully.

"It's just my dad I want to be with again. I promised him I'd reunite with him... And I didn't return when Reiner did, I'm worried he thinks I'm dead." She shook her head. "He probably thinks I am to be honest." She giggled a bit and you looked at her confused a bit. "Honestly," she chuckled, "I thought you were going to kill me the second you saw me."

"If you got out of your little crystal like thing earlier, I probably would have." You admitted, "but then I heard about your home and learned about the war you guys fought, just like us." You leaned further against the bars of the boat. "Now I have no intentions to kill you at all, despite... everything you've done." She now looked at you in a way where you knew she wanted to apologize again. "You don't need to apologize, I mean... I'm sure they gave you a hard time." You smiled tightly, and her eyes went wide and nodded while letting a huff of air.

"A really hard time." She added and you smiled more to yourself, remembering how strong each and every one of them were.

"Well, let's just hope this war ends soon." You said. "So you can be back with your dad." You said, still hoping her father was alive. Before she could say anything you looked up to see Armin approach slowly and nervously. You saw Annie look up at him and she blushed lightly, looking back down at her feet. You smiled to yourself at the two. "How many years do you have left?" You asked her and she looked at you shocked for even asking her this.

"Um... two." She said.

"Hopefully if the war is over," you looked up at Armin, "maybe you could have some time to live a life that's... actually fun." She looked at Armin now too and then turned back to you.

"I don't know what you mean?" She said, confused.

"Really? You don't know?" Your eyes darted between her and him and she shook her head. "Huh, I thought it was obvious." You shrugged and stood up. "If you'll excuse me," you dusted off your pants, "I need to make sure my daughter is up and okay." You smiled down at her. "Have fun." You stated, turning around and heading to Mikasa's room was where Kuchel rested for the night.

Before you went down the stairs, out of the corner of your eye you spotted Mikasa standing near the edges of the boat, looking at the sea.

You walked slowly towards her and overheard her talking to someone, it wasn't until then you noticed Kuchel was standing in front of her.

"Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if I was just... honest with him that day." She said to Kuchel.

"So, you never admitted your feelings to him ever then?" Kuchel asked.

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