Chapter 43: The Final Chapter

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*14 Years Later*


You walked slowly behind Kuchel as she was shaking with such anticipation making her way through people and buildings.

"Kuchel, could you slow down? The military isn't going anywhere." You groaned and Levi rested a hand on your lower back as he nudged you forward to not lose her. "I can't believe this." You sighed, still in disbelief that she wants to go fight.

"She's 18 now, she has the right to do whatever she wants." Levi said and you saw him look over his shoulder. "Athen hurry up!" He shouted and you turned to see your son now running to catch up with you.

"Sorry dad, I just-"

"Got distracted, I know." He cut him off and started to walk to follow closer to Kuchel. Athen looked up at you and you gave him a reassuring look to not take Levi's comments to heart. You draped an arm over him as he walked with you.

"Don't worry about your dad, he's just stressed about Kuchel, but he's just holding his emotions in." You said.

"Like usual?" He said and you laughed pulling him tighter into you.


You looked ahead to see Levi caught up with Kuchel, they were talking and it seemed like Levi was giving her a bunch of tips to which she already knew them and she seemed annoyed that he was repeating them.

"Dara!" Athen exclaimed running ahead to you as he ran to the smiling girl, you looked up and spotted her two mothers walking alongside her. Ava and Ela turned to you and waved and you smiled walking in their direction.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked, pulling Ava into a hug and did the same with Ela.

"Well, we wanted to say goodbye to Kuchel." Ava said, as you all continued to walk.

"We figured we would be pretty shitty aunts if we didn't see her off." Ela said and you chuckled.

"Well she will appreciate that, she's just a little too preoccupied with excitement to notice any of us walking behind her." You said. "Should I be concerned that she's this excited?"

"Well, it's in her blood, what do you expect?" Ava said. "When your dad and mom are practically born warriors, it's only natural that you'd possess the same instincts." Ava gestured to her eyes and you scoffed knowing exactly what she was referring to.

You remembered it like it was yesterday when you found out Kuchel possessed the same power you and Levi did. Athen and Kuchel were in a pretty heated argument when they were kids and you'll never forget when he hit her and she moved so quickly to pin him to the ground. God, it scared you, but you were even more annoyed that Levi kept it from you.

"Uncle Jean!" You looked up as Dara and Athen ran towards him.

"Hey you two." He rubbed the top of both of their heads.

"Captain." He smiled at you and you rolled your eyes. "How are you ladies doing?"

"Fine." You said. "Did you come to say goodbye to Kuchel too?" You wondered and he nodded.

"Yeah, Mikasa really wanted to." You looked around and couldn't seem to spot her. "She's with Connie, they're just a little slow right now, they told me to go ahead to make sure Kuchel doesn't leave without them saying goodbye."

"Well you have plenty of time, they- Whoa... Mikasa." You smiled seeing her walk towards you all with Connie by her side.

"Oh my god." Ava squealed, clapping her hands together.

The Final Chapters: Book 4: Love, Lies and LeviWhere stories live. Discover now