Chapter 2: How could you forget?

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*4 Years Earlier*

It's been a month since you guys took back Wall Maria, and advancements to get rid of all the titans there were to proceed after winter.

You walked down the streets of trost with Simon as you headed back to your room, exhausted with all the meetings taking place.

You yawned as you approached your room and Simon cursed at you for making him feel tired. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow, Simon."

"See you." You both turned away from each other. "Oh wait! (Y/n)!" You turned back around. "I was going to ask when's the next time you're going to see Leo? Ava said there's something of Ekho's she wanted to give him to have." You absolutely froze and just stared at him... at a complete loss for words.


You palmed your face and Simon made a shocked noise and you didn't even answer him when you took off running to head to your horse.

One month. It's been one month since you've come back from the battle and you were so distracted with the ceremony, getting everything organized for killing the rest of the Titans and to help with moving all the refugees back to Shiganshina. Talking to Ekho's family and promising them that you'll try to bring his body back for a proper burial, that you completely forgot to go see Leo to tell him you're alive and fine.

How could you forget?!

You got up on your horse and raced towards the Orphanage.

When you arrived, you were panting, but you didn't slow down as you sprinted into the barn, the much bigger barn.

You rushed in and spotted Claudia, the caregiver you always spoke to when you'd come around.

"(Y/n)?!" She exclaimed, shocked to see you. "What are you doing here?"

"Leo!" You shouted and she jumped back. "Where's Leo?!"

"Oh... Um, I'm sorry (Y/n)," your heart sank to your stomach, "but a couple already took him to their home, he's been living there for a couple of weeks now."

"What?!" You said, making a disappointed face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, we were going to tell you guys, but you all seemed a little... preoccupied." You groaned out in annoyance as you looked behind you, hearing the kids run in laughing.

You miss the sound of Leo laughing and hugging you.

"Who took him?" You asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't disclose that informa-"

"Come on Claudia! It's me!" You were annoyed she was keeping this from you.

"It's for the couples privacy, I'm sorry-"

You slammed the table she was sitting at making her jump back. "Claudia, if you don't tell me, you know I'm going to find out one way or another, and you know damn well I'll push my way through to go through all your files to find who he's been sent off with." You threatened and her eyes widened.

Scared for her life now, she gave in and told you that the family lived in trost and she exposed their last names. You thanked her... but knew you traumatized her and you took off to head to Trost.

The family name was Kozak.

You repeated the name over and over again up until you reached Trost.

When you arrived, you ran through the town up to the Bar where Claudia said was the beginning of their street, you walked down it examining all the houses and looked for the small house with a light brown door with a black door handle and their windows had blue flowers hanging off of it.

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