Chapter 7: "Captain (Y/n) is back!"

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Once you reached the part of town with all the vendors, you let Leo and Kuchel run off on their own, but they knew the rule, they had to be able to see you, or they knew they went too far.

You watched them rush over to the same vendor they always go to right away, the one with all the sweets. You scoffed seeing as the vendor recognized them right away.

Seeing as they were going to be distracted with the man for a bit, you made your way to grab some stuff for dinner for the next couple of days. You passed the vendor with bread, knowing that Leo always picked it out for you everytime, so you went straight to get as many potatoes as you could for the week. But you froze however, seeing Hanjie walking around... looking just as suspicious as always.

Without thinking, you started walking in her direction... knowing exactly what you wanted to talk about with her, but you forced yourself to stop. You turned around to head back to go get food, but you froze again seeing the back of someone that looked exactly like Athen...

He had the same frame, same hair colour... The way he was even moving around was very similar. Honestly you thought it really was him, until he turned around. "Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it." You repeated to yourself, closing your eyes, but then you groaned out in frustration at yourself as you turned around and made your way to Hanjie.

She grabbed some random thing that you did not recognize from a vendor and after she thanked him she turned around and stood still at the sight of you. "Uh- (Y/n), how are-"

"I wanna know more about what happened to my brother." You cut her off and she took a step back in confusion. "Like what exactly those letters are in the file."

"Y-you read the file?" She almost had a smile on her face, but she quickly hid it, trying to play off her internal emotions.

"Yes, Levi suggested to, and now... I can't help but want to know more about what you guys think is happening with him.." You admitted, looking over your shoulder again to make sure the two were still at that vendor, and seeing as they were you looked back at her.

"Well... Uh- there's a lot, but, we might think he either is on their side now," you frowned at the thought of that, "or that they made him into a Titan shifter, or-"

"That's impossible." You cut her off, and she stared at you blankly.

"What do you mean it's impossible?" She grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, but then she began to look around.

"Our bloodline, it just- Kenny told me once about my family's clan and-"

"Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?" She cut you off, whispering now.

"What? Why?" You shook your, confused. "I don't have the time to go somewhere else." You pointed in the directions of the kids.

"Okay fine, please come talk with me tomorrow then." Hanjie said, looking desperate, and you rolled your eyes as you sighed.

"Fine. Where?"

"Meet at the gas supply room on the ground floor." She let you go, and you were about to argue, saying you had no interest in going back to Survey Corps grounds, but you turned to the commotion behind you. Both you and Hanjie walked over slowly, hearing people mutter things to each other, and the closer you got, you noticed the sweet's vendor shouting, begging someone to stop.

"That kid is going to kill him." You heard someone in the crowd say.

"Those kids always bully others, serves him right." You heard someone else say, and when the vendor spotted you, he waved you down and pointed to the ground next to him. He covered himself quickly as a body was thrown on the side of his shop, all his treats he works so hard on, splattered on the floor.

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