Chapter 8: 🍋's

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You stripped out of your clothes and walked over to your drawer to grab your nightgown. When you grabbed it and threw it over you, you looked at the lowest drawer that could only open if you pushed the latch under it, just in case if Kuchel ever tried to come in and open it. When you opened it, you pulled out what you were looking for. You held it up, looking at the wings of freedom and pulled it close to your chest, hugging it a bit. Remembering every second of your time there.

You went to put it back and when you opened the drawer you heard a rattling noise. When you looked in, you giggled a bit to yourself holding up the handcuffs you stole all those years ago, along with two extra ones Levi stole when he wanted to get extra...

You cleared your throat, getting your mind out of where you were going and closed the drawer after putting your cloak back in and you got up to walk over to your bed and you slipped under the covers. You weren't upset that you were spending the night by yourself, knowing that Levi was sleeping with Kuchel right now.

God it was hot, you threw one leg over the covers and slowly started to drift off to sleep.

Before you could fully fall asleep you heard the sound of feet dragging on the floor, you went to look up at him asking why he left Kuchel, but you had no energy and you assumed that even if she was comfortable falling asleep in his arms, he probably wasn't comfortable in that tiny bed,

You heard him change out of his clothes and you felt the mattress sink as he joined you in bed. Your eyes shot open as his arm swung over your body and pulled you tightly into his bare front, and you giggled as he buried his face in your neck, kissing at the skin there.

He kissed all the way down your shoulder now, then licked his way back up your neck to your ear and he took your lobe between his teeth.

Your head arched back on its own and you felt him sneak and arm under your body, while the other grazed your exposed leg.

"You too tired to finish what we started?" He whispered in your ear, and you giggled.

"Our daughter is sleeping in the other room." You tried to say, to get him to stop, but your body was already moving. Your ass pushing back to his front, and your leg lifting a bit so his hand could roam freely down there.

"So? She's dead asleep. If you stay quiet, we won't wake her." He nipped at your ear and your head fell back and you could feel his smirk against your skin. "You're just going to have to hold back those sexy little moans of yours." His hand under you now crossed over your chest and massaged one of your breasts while the other pulled your leg up.

You angled your head back to look up at his face, just hovering over you. "Mmm, how can I stay quiet with the way you fuck me." You hummed and his hand that was over your chest pushed you back into him more and he pushed his lips down to yours. You immediately opened your mouth for him, letting your tongues explore each other as you brought one of your arms up to the back of his head, pulling on his hair. His hand gripping at your breast now tightened around your neck forcing you to stay in place.

With him choking you while your tongues fought for dominance his other hand brought itself down more and massaged your clit over your underwear. You moaned in his mouth, but made a sharp noise as he choked you harder now.

He pushed your underwear to the side and dragged his finger between your folds, he immediately made a strained noise and he pulled away from your lips.

"Fuck, you're so wet." He said in your ear and his lips now focused on the crook of your neck, and he didn't waste anymore time as he buried a finger inside of you.

You gasped out from not expecting him to plunge it so deep and so hard inside of you. He started to pump it in and out of you fast and hard. You let out a small noise at how good it felt, but he gripped your neck hard, a warning for you to shut up.

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