Chapter 19: Are you going to do it?

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You guys just arrived and already the reports have been sent out already about your... "Success"... You helped unpack the airship, same as everyone else. You took the time to help the nurses grab Sasha's body as they were going to have her ready to be buried.

It took you a few minutes, it actually took you all a few minutes before letting her go. Jean and Connie followed the nurses in, but your eyes locked on your husband walking towards you. You looked over his shoulder to see that Zeke was being held by a few men, as they were waiting for the carriage to bring them away. Tears began to form in your eyes and you looked back in his eyes.

"Levi... please..." You whimpered, but he pulled you into him and you wrapped your arms over his neck pulling his head down so his lips could crash into yours. Your mouths moved in sync for a bit, your hand found his hair, as his found your lower back deepening your kisses.

You didn't want to let him go, not like this.

When you guys pulled away, he pushed your chin up with his finger to kiss your lips gently, one more time. You looked over his shoulder and then back in his eyes. "Your ride is here." You stated and you both looked over in the direction.

Zeke gave a tight smile and waved at you guys. You only frowned at him and rolled your eyes, forcing Levi's head to look back at you. "I should probably go." He said.

"You sure you don't want to do a little quickie?" You winked, jokingly and he scoffed.

"Don't tempt me." He sneered and you bit your lower lip as you looked at him through your lashes. He pushed your lip out by tugging on it with his thumb. "Watch it." He warned and you looked down, knowing you had to let him go now.

As you played with your fingers, you let out a noise of annoyance, more or less a groan. "You get your answers fast from him." You looked over his shoulder again and rested your hand on the back of his head again. You pulled down on it hard so he was at your eye level, your lips only centimeters apart. His breathing grew heavy as well. "And then you fucking kill him." You tugged on his hair. "And then you come back to me and your family." You added firmly and he nodded. You pulled him to your lips again, before forcing him to pull away making sure he doesn't get too carried away.

"I love you." He said as he walked backwards to Zeke and the carriage.

"I love you too." You said, winking and he turned around finally and went to get into the carriage after kicking Zeke in.

You turned to look at Ava who was next to you now, watching the carriage leave, and she looked over at you now. Crossing her arms over her chest.

"So are you going to do it?"

*Time Jump*


Zeke looked around as he was sitting in the wagon. Shocked at where he was taken, a forest full of big ass trees.

"My hotel...?" Was all he managed to say as he looked around more. "This?" He said with a little attitude, making Levi frown down at him.

"Any complaints? What better lodging could there be?" He said as they started to make their way in. "A forest of giant trees that grow as high as 80 meters tall. It won't be easy to get out on your own. No handy rocks either." He looked down at Zeke in the wagon. "So you won't be tossing anything around or taking any excursions."

"Looks like a fun spot for lots of vertical maneuvering, too." Zeke said as he eyed every tree. Looking at the thick branches. "What do you say, Captain Levi?" He now turned to face him. "I'd like to show Gabi and Falco this vast wilderness as well, we don't have anything like this back at him."

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