Chapter 11: An Unexpected Start

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After you kissed Kuchel goodbye and told Leo in secrecy to not mention anything to her just yet, they both left the house waving at you.

You headed upstairs to go back to the bedroom assuming Levi was still there, but you only found an empty bed. You walked back into the hall to check his office and you were relieved to see he was in there looking over some paperwork. You walked in, not saying a single word to him and you ripped the page out of his hand, sitting on the front of his desk.

"(Y/n)?! What are you-"

"What are you working on?" You asked, reading the paper a bit. "You guys are using guns now?" You asked and he grabbed the paper from your hand.

"We have to, Marleyans are much more technologically advanced than we are." He stated.

"According to Yelena?" You asked and he looked at you confused.

"What did Hanjie say to you when you bumped into her?" He went back to sit in his chair.

"Abou that..." You looked over your shoulder to find him, looking up at you. "I was lying this morning about having been out shopping all day."

"I'm well aware. You're not exactly the best liar, plus every time you try to get away with something with me, you always try to distract me." He smirked up at you now. "Don't think I didn't catch on to your little strip tease this morning." You blushed at being caught and you smiled innocently at him. "Is Kuchel napping?" He asked, and you shook your head. "Oh? Where is she?"

"She's staying over at Leo's tonight. Lada offered to keep her for the night since she was taking her tomorrow anyways." You said, playing with a pen on his desk.

"She's staying over at Leo's?" He frowned.

"Oh calm down," you laughed, "they're kids... they're not going to do anything." You hopped off of the desk and went around to place yourself behind him. You wrapped your arms over his chest and kissed his cheek, to calm him down a bit.

"We were kids once too." He stated, and you giggled, feeling the rage radiate off of him.

"Yeah, but you didn't see me like that until we were older, I'm sure Leo doesn't think like how you do now, or how you did back then." You said in his ear.

"I just don't want him getting any ideas." He huffed out, and you started to kiss his neck gently upwards, while moving one of your hands a little more south.

"Mm, like what?" You whispered and kissed at his skin again.

"Like the ideas I'm getting right now." He turned his head and you went to lean in to kiss his lips, but you both paused hearing banging on your front door and your name being shouted.

"(Y/N)! YOU BETTER OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Ava banged the door loudly again.

Levi groaned in annoyance. "Tell that bitch to leave." Levi stated and you smacked his arm, a warning for him to watch how he talks about your friend.

"I'm just going to see what she wants." You let him go and headed for your friend bitching out right now for some reason. You barely had the chance to get the door cracked open when Ava pushed her way in, almost knocking you over. "Ava, what the fuck?!" You yelled at her rude entrance. "You can't just bang on my door like this, I have a daughter now and you banging like that would have scared her!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THAT I'M HEARING YOU'RE A SCOUT AGAIN?!" You almost ran up to her to cover her mouth in hopes Levi didn't hear that, but you already heard the sound of his chair drag on the floor, meaning he stood up.

Fuck. Well so much for keeping this a secret.

"Ava I-"

"You have a daughter now! And you're deciding now is the time to re-join?! What are you a fucking idiot?!" You rolled your eyes at her. "(Y/n), I'm serious! You can't do this! You have no business putting that uniform back on again!" You walked over to the table so you could sit. "What's your reasoning, huh?! To protect your precious Levi again?! What is he getting too old to fend for himself that he needs his younger wife to come help him out, is that it?!"

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