Chapter 21: Birthday Girl

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"Take care of my baby for me."

"I Always do."

You went to stand up away from Leo, but you were taken aback as he grabbed you again to wrap his arms around you. You took him in your embrace thinking he just needed a little more time before he could let you go, but he pulled you tighter so he could whisper in your ear.

"Remember all those stories you and Levi would tell me. Don't forget you two work better together. If you want to win this war and have both of you come back to Kuchel... you won't come back here without Levi before the war is won." He finally let you go and your eyes widened. You were about to tell him that you can't do that, but you turned to your daughters cry for you.

After saying goodbye and walking to the airship, you tugged on Ava to talk to her in private, after seeing her and Leo look at you when they said goodbye.

"What did he tell you?" You asked, holding tightly on your arm.

"Are you really that concerned about what an eight year old said to me?" She said, laughing nervously.

"Yeah, but only because that eight year old is Leo." You argued back, and she nodded in defeat.

"He's weirdly very wise and smart for his age." She said and looked at you. "Fine... it was just more of a suggestion for me to force you into helping Levi till the end, and not just until you get Athen back."

"I said, I was only in this to get Athen and Eren back, that's it." You said, groaning out, annoyed that Ava sounded like she wanted you to abandon Kuchel and your brother to help take care of Zeke with Levi.

"But I told him it wasn't up to me." She added.

"I'm not just leaving Kuchel." You said firmly, wanting this conversation to be done. "It's unfair to her and Lada." You added as you walked away, but then you paused as you stared at Levi talking to his squad.

You watched as he was pointing at a few things here and there and your mind went to when he was hugging Kuchel desperately, holding onto her as if it was his last time holding her. Then you thought of Leo reminding you how much stronger you two were together.

"Fuck." You groaned, under your breath and turned to her.

"I can take care of Kuchel while you're gone." Ava suggested and you only stared at her debating if your choice would be the right one. "So are you going to do it?" She asked.

"I don't know yet." You said turning back around. "Get ready."

*Time Skip*


Ava opened the door to Kuchel's room, seeing she was still on that chair, staring out her window for the sixth day now. Her chin was leaning against the window frame as she watched the crowd of people, desperately wanting one of them to be her parents.

"Kuchel, we gotta go." Ava said, sticking her hand out. She turned to Ava teary eyed.

"Where are they?" She cried, and Ava rushed next to her, wiping her tears away. "Where are my mommy and daddy?"

"They'll be back soon, don't worry." Ava, wrapped herself around Kuchel, knowing how hard this is on her. "I know them, they won't die." She added.

"No." Kuchel took herself out of Ava's grasp. "You don't know that! That's what we thought about Sasha." She added and Ava began to tear up remembering how heart broken Kuchel and Leo were the night she told them.

She had to lay with them all night, holding them both as they sobbed about losing a girl like her in their life. Out of all the scouts visiting them, Sasha was the only one who put the effort into actually playing games with the two, and she always fed them well too, bringing them snacks and treats to sneak under their pillows for later on in the night.

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