Chapter 24: Finding Out About Kuchel

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You woke up to an empty tent. Levi had already left to watch over Zeke for the time being. When you sat up straight, the blanket covering your chest, you groaned out at the sudden headache you had. You rubbed the back of your head a bit, before you shielded your eyes from the tent opening, the sun beaming in.

"Smells like sex in here." Simon stated, and you rolled your eyes.

"What do you want?" You asked, gesturing with your hand to close the tent opening.

"I'm on break now, since your husband is now taking over 'beast watch'. Plus, I brought you this." He handed you a mug. You sniffed it and were so grateful at the smell of tea.

"Thank you." You smiled as he sat across from you.

"Don't thank me, Levi told me to bring it to you, but it's good because I want to spend as much time with you as I can." He smiled sweetly at you and you smiled back at him as you took a sip of your tea. "You got marked up pretty bad." He gestured to your neck, and when you looked down, you realized you weren't wearing anything. You looked over to your folded clothes in the corner and asked Simon to hand them over to you.

"Yeah, Levi isn't the most gentle lover." You stated, grabbing your bra and gesturing to him to turn around, but he was already doing so before you told him.

"As weird as this sounds, so many people are having sex right now, even I got some action last night." He said as you finished up getting dressed.

"Really?" You asked, surprised. Simon was never one to hookup with randoms; he always needed a relationship before anything else. "You can turn around now." you sat cross legged in front of him and grabbed your mug again. "Who was it?"

"I don't remember her name." You choked on your tea, and busted out laughing.

"That's very unlike you!" You shoved him slightly. "But good for you, love that you're being a little slut." You teased and he laughed at your comment.

"Call me a slut all you want, but how is it like just only ever having the same dick all your life?" He tried to counter and you flaunted your bruised neck to him.

"I'm not complaining." You answered and he rolled his eyes. After taking a sip of your tea, you finally asked him how he was doing here.

"It's alright, I miss home a bit, but I really hope all of this will be over when Eren and Zeke come together." He said and you nodded, hoping the same thing. "I have a question?" He suddenly asked and you listened for it. "Do you think I would be a good dad?"

"Um? Who did you get pregnant?" You asked, slightly concerned and he laughed out.

"No, no, no one!" He laughed. "Just when I get back, I think it's time I settle down with someone, don't you think?" He smiled up at you and you shrugged.

"It's really up to you, Simon. If you find that someone then go for it, but don't just latch onto the first person interested in you." You said, lying back down as you finished your tea.

He came to lie next to you, leaning his head on the top of yours. "I get what you mean.. But I want something like what you and Levi have." He said and you smiled to yourself, knowing how lucky you got with him.

"Well, that almost took fifteen years in the making." You joked. "Why is there anyone back at home you're interested in?"

"Not really, well kind of this one girl I've been meeting almost every time I'm at the bar. We talk all the time, but I never... you know?..." You rolled your eyes.

"Well, when we get back home, I'll come wingwoman you." You stated and he clapped his hands together.

"Thank you!" He kissed the top of your head, making you push him further from you. You both laughed for a few seconds, before facing each other, still lying down, neither one of you wanting to get up. "So what have you been up to?" He asked.

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