Chapter 38: The Start of Eren's End

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You all jumped out, Armin calling out for Eren. As you all began to fall, you noticed the Beast Titan winding his arm up.

"Guys, watch out!" You yelled and everyone was readying themselves for impact. "Shit." You hissed as small pieces of the rocks scratched at all of you. Your eyes immediately caught the body falling a lot quicker than the rest of you. "REINER?!"

The light of his Titan shift blinded you and when you looked down your eyes locked on Reiners Titan smashing into the Beast Titan. At the last minute you all shot on the bones of Eren's Titan and swung closer to where Reiner took the Beast down. You looked over you as the Cart Titan now landed next to you.

You all now took your shots on the Beast. But by the time you called Levi down, the Beast's upper half was already turned to a pile of bones.

"What the-"

"No wonder he's not putting up a fight. He's already a husk..." Levi said, cutting you off.

"He's using the same technique as the War Hammer and he's hiding his own body!" You announced for everyone to hear.

"What are you saying Captain?! That we have to find that man in this mountain of bones?!" Jean snapped at you. "There's no way that's possible! We just might have to accept that this means..." Jean looked down, not knowing if he's able to say it either, but you stepped in.

"ARMIN!!" You shouted at him.

"I know!" He shouted back to you and looked up at Pieck's Titan. "We blow this place apart in one minute from now!" He looked at all of you now. "Work with the Cart Titan to get away!" You all couldn't help but stare at him, was this really about to happen? "Eren expects this attack from me! I can't imagine killing him! But... Blowing all these bones to pieces might help us figure out where Eren and Zeke are!!"

"Armin, if you feel that's right, just do it!" You said. "Don't worry about us!" You all watched carefully as Armin just stood there, clearly contemplating his next actions. Seeing as it was going to lead him blowing this place up you decided now was going to be the best time to get as far away from his colossus explosion as possible.

"ARMIN?!" Mikasa cried out, and you all looked over your shoulder as he was being trapped in some... Titans mouth?! "NO!"

You all turned to try to get Armin back from the Titan, but you all paused as Titan after Titan began to appear out of fog standing there and then slowly approaching you all. As the Titans came closer the more you realized that all of them looked... different yet similar to Titans you've seen before.

"Reiner, here they come!" Connie said, backing away from the two Titans closing in on you all. You could only watch as Reiner tried his best to push them off of him and to not let any of them get closer to you, but you couldn't help but get involved as one of them jumped on Reiners back.

"(Y/n), no stay back!" You heard Levi yell as you went in. You cut through it's nape and Mikasa and Jean followed shortly after, slicing the other two's napes. You landed on Reiners shoulder as you looked at the Titans, all of them just standing there now, not one coming in to attack yet.

"Who are these guys?" Jean asked as he landed on the other shoulder.

"I don't think they're pure Titans..." You said. "They're-"

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!" You and Jean jumped at Connie's shriek from behind you two. "We're going to run out of Thunder Spears in no time! And- AND WAIT! Is Armin even alive?" He cried out.

"He would have turned immediately if there was so much as a scratch on him..." Levi said from behind you. "So he's captured, but completely unharmed." He said to assure you all to not panic about Armin. "However. He's been taken to Eren's ass." He added, and you looked ahead to see how far that was and at all of the other Titans appearing. It seemed as more and more of them were just showing up out of the blue. "And now, there's all these Titans between us and him... Even if I was in my best shape... I still wouldn't choose to charge into that." You looked up at Levi who was staring down Mikasa. "So stay calm, Mikasa. Don't rush in, wait for me to get their attention. I'll act as bait." Your head immediately snapped back to your husband.

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