Chapter 28: Thank you Baby

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Your eyes fluttered open and you shot up looking around your bedroom. Confused at how you even got here. You looked down at your sheets covering your legs, and you grazed your fingers over the fabric.

Was this real?

You turned to the sound of laughter from a little voice, a voice you knew too well, one that you missed so much. You got up slowly and headed towards your stairs. As you headed down, you froze at the sight in front of you.

Kuchel was standing on a chair next to Levi, they looked like they were surprising you with breakfast. When you were on the last step, Kuchel turned around at the sound of the wood creaking.

"No! Mommy, you're not supposed to be up yet!" She whined and Levi turned to look at you. When you looked into his eyes, you were so grateful to be able to look in them, but you were so lost at what was happening. "Daddy and I were going to surprise you, but... but," she started to giggle, "actually it's probably for the best that you're here, daddy is messing up!" She laughed, and you gave her a tight smile, not exactly knowing what was going on.

"Kuchel, that's not true at all!' Levi groaned out and handed her something to put on the table. When she did she then ran upstairs after he told her to go wash her hands.

You smiled at her running up, and then you jumped when you turned back around to see Levi standing in front of you.

"Are you alright, baby?" He asked, giving you a weirded out look. "You look like you've seen a ghost." He said.

"I kind of feel like I have." You said under your breath.

"Hm?" He didn't hear you. You couldn't help yourself, you ran up to him and grabbed his face and took his lips to yours. You held his face tightly and pushed your lips harder into his. The feeling of his arm snaking around your lower back to pull you in, felt so good. His warm lips against yours, you felt safe again... happy again. When you pulled away he looked at you surprised. "What was that for?" He asked, laughing a bit.

"I love you so much." You said, close to his face and you traced his lower lip with your thumb.

"I love you too. But what's got you acting like this?" He asked, still hanging onto you.

"I just..." you paused looking in his eyes, getting lost in them. "I love you." You said again and he smiled, kissing you again.

"I WANT ONE TOO!" You turned around to Kuchel running to you both and Levi picked her up, kissing her cheek. She turned to you, and you grabbed her tightly so happy to have her in your arms. You kissed her cheeks multiple times, making her giggle.

"Okay mommy! Enough! I wanna eat." And you laughed, placing her down and you all took your seats.

You smiled at your family, all of you sitting together again. You looked one last time at your smiling daughter and then at your husband who was smiling at his daughter, almost as if he was proud that he made her.


You gasped as you woke up in one of the hammocks that were set up in one of the trees while you all camped out here earlier.

Fuck, you knew that was too good to be true.

You looked down at the ground and could only see grass. You shot down and looked around for Athen's body, but it was missing.

Where the fuck did he go? And how the fuck did you get up there?

You looked back at the dark skies beyond the trees, and you finally remembered what the last thing you saw was. You ran so fast towards where the explosion took place, praying that Levi wasn't caught in it. When you looked forward, the light of what seemed to be from a campfire could be seen in the corner of your eye.

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