Chapter 42: Our New Forever 🍋's

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*1 Week Later*

You went to sit down in the chair next to Levi handing him his tea and plate full of breakfast foods. He needed to eat a lot in order to heal properly.

You kissed the top of his head before taking your seat.

"How are you feeling this morning?" You asked, resting your hand over his, as you rested your chin on your other.

"Still a little pain." He admitted, letting out a sigh.

"Well today the doctor is going to come to let you try that new tech to keep your knee in place for a while." You smiled, but he shook his head.

"No, I don't want it." He said, taking a bite of his food.

"Why?" You frowned, taking your hand away from his.

"I don't want to seem weak."

"Recovering from a war injury doesn't make you weak." You argued back, taking a sip of your tea. A moment of silence made you feel uneasy a bit, but you knew you should just help him get his mind off of things. "Feels a little weird, huh?"


"Our life now, it's so... easy?" You said, more as a question and he scoffed.

"Too easy, right?" You nodded. "I needed this though." He added.

"Me too, these past couple of days of rest have been amazing." You admitted.

"You know what I hated?" He asked and you cocked your head to the side questioning what he was talking about. "I hated that we had the house all to ourselves for three nights and not once," his face moved closer to yours, "was I able to fuck you so hard you'd be the one struggling to walk for the next few days." You gulped down your eyes darting between his and his lips.

"Well," your breath was shaky, "if you weren't injured maybe you could have, so why don't you," you moved in, your lips brushing his now, "get better so you can cuff me to our bed and have me beg for you inside me." He moved in to kiss your lips, but you gripped his chin with one hand holding him back. "But you need to rest and get better." You smiled seeing the defeat in his eyes and you pulled his face towards yours and you pressed your lips to his softly.

You both pulled away when you heard your front door open and you could hear Kuchels and Ava's voice.

"Mommy, daddy!" She smiled seeing you both up and she ran to you.

"How's my baby?" You asked, picking her up and placing her on your lap, you kissed her cheek.

"I'm good! I had a lot of fun with Auntie Ava and her girlfriend." Both you and Levi shot a look at Ava and she blushed.

"You have a girlfriend?" You asked, annoyed she didn't tell you when you dropped Kuchel off.

"Uh, yeah." She cleared her throat "I'll tell you about it later." You nodded.

"Daddy, how's your leg?" Kuchel asked, looking down at his wrapped leg.

"Doesn't even hurt." He lied, but she smiled at how strong he was.

"Oh, I saw Leo!" She exclaimed.

"How is he?" You asked.

"He's going to have a baby sibling soon!" She said and your eyebrows rose at the statement. "Auntie Lada is going to be huge." Kuchel added, gesturing at her belly and you giggled.

"I didn't even know they were trying." Levi stated.

"It wasn't exactly planned." Ava chimed in, taking a seat next to you. "But they've been wanting one for so long, so it's a miracle for them really."

The Final Chapters: Book 4: Love, Lies and LeviWhere stories live. Discover now