Chapter 10: Advice from an Eight Year Old

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After picking up a few stuff for dinner, since you failed to do so yesterday, you walked in the house... to a complete mess. Your daughter was running around half naked, while Levi chased after her with her shirt. There was flour everywhere.

"Come here, you little brat, I need to clean your face!" Levi shouted at her as she ran around and under the table. You noticed they both had flour in their hair and a bit on their faces... well a lot on her face.

Seeing as Levi was struggling to get her to stop running you, plopped the food down on the counter and turned to them. "Kuchel, come here!" She stopped running and made her way to you.

"Of course, listen to your mother." Levi groaned out, sarcastically and you smirked up at him as you bent down to your daughters height and took a look at her face.

"What did you do?" You asked her, and she started to giggle.

"I asked daddy if he could help me make a cake, but then I dropped the bag of flour and it exploded." She giggled and you tried not to laugh seeing the white in his hair.

"Well... someones going to have to clean this up, and it's not going to be me." You said and she scratched the back of her head, knowing what you were going to tell her to do. She immediately pouted, but you stood up to look away from that face. "Nope Kuchel, you're not getting out of this one, you're going to help daddy clean this up." You looked at him and he frowned at you.

"Why do I have to?!" He snapped at you.

"Because you made the mess too." You smiled, heading for the stairs. "After my shower this place better be spotless!" You stated, walking up the first few steps.

"(Y/n)?!" Levi walked towards you as you looked over your shoulder. "I can't, I have to go to work." He stated.

"No, you don't." You shook your head. "I bumped into Hanjie, she said you don't need to come in today." You smiled again and he just stared at you as you went upstairs.

Your smile was lost however as you entered the bathroom to clean yourself up. For the life of you, you couldn't believe what you've gotten yourself into.

Any day now the Scouts could be sent off to Marley. The second they get a location on Eren, they will be on their way without a second thought. Ready to go to war if need be.

For a few more minutes you stayed in the shower, letting your thoughts flood your mind.

When you finally got out and wrapped a towel around you, you walked out to grab your clothes from your drawer to which you were met with a flourless haired Levi, sitting on the bed.

"Where'd you go this morning?" He asked, watching you pull out some clothes.

"Shopping." You said plainly.

"For four hours?" He looked at you, insisting that he knew you were lying.

"Exactly." You said letting the towel drop in hopes that the sight of your body would make him lose his trail of thought. "I was just busy okay?" You added as you put on your underwear and bra.

"Are you lying to me?" He asked, watching you as you bent over to pick up the clothes you pulled out.

"No..." You turned around to face him and scoffed as his eyes weren't even focused on yours, but were scanning over your body. "I told you," you climbed on the bed and crawled towards him, his eyes were focused on your chest and you brought your finger to his chin, lifting it lightly so he'd look up at your face, "I was busy." You kissed him, and when you pulled away he leaned in for another one. You left the bed and put your shirt and pants on.

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