Chapter 35: Happiness Ends Here

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*Please Read Authors Note in the End*

After getting yourself sorted out after you and Levis... rehab for his hand, you told him to rest up until the boat docked and he agreed surprisingly without hesitation. You opened the door and closed it softly, but jumped at the sight of Hanjie who appeared... literally out of nowhere.

"Hanjie, whatever happened to saying hello before walking up on someone." You said, holding your chest.

"Sorry!" She smiled, widely. "Can we talk?"

"Uh, sure is everything alright?" You asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just feel like me and you haven't had a day like... well like our old days, and out here," she pointed up the stairs, meaning the ocean, "I feel like... care free almost."

"Oh sure." You smiled and you followed her up the stairs and you guys went to sit at the edge of the front of the boat.

You both sat down, your legs dangling off of the edge of the boat as you guys looked up at the clear sky and water.

"It's so beautiful!" Hanjie exclaimed, gesturing to the water. "I wish we could all just live out here just like one big happy family." She added and you giggled.

"If only." You leaned your head against the bars.

"But... we can't let one of our own destroy the whole world... I'd feel too guilty." She admitted, talking about Eren and all he was doing now. "Oh! Here!" She handed you water and gave herself one as well. "I would have brought wine, but," she made a face and you couldn't hold back your laugh, "I don't know what wine to trust right now!" You both snickered and cheersed your water together.

"Well, water it is then." You said, drinking the water now.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Go for it."

"What's it like having a family?" You turned to look at her now.

"Well... if you're talking about me, Levi and Kuchel then it's great, but if you mean like me and Athen and that side... then it's complicated." You said, losing your smile.

"I mean, having your own kid." You smiled to yourself looking back as you could hear Kuchels voice now echoing through the boat.

"I love being a mom, and I love my family... but it definitely refrains me from doing a lot of things I used to do." You admitted, taking another sip of your drink.

"Like what?"

You contemplated on just saying sex, but Hanjie and you never talked about your guys sex life much with each other. "Just my alone time I guess." You said and Hanjie nodded. "Why are you asking so many questions about kids?"

"Well," she stretched her arms, "when all of this is over I think I'd be a great mom." She shrugged and you smiled back at her.

"You gonna make your move on Sadies?" You pushed her with your shoulder and you laughed as she immediately turned red.

"W-what are you talking about?!" You laughed even louder now at her reaction.

"Didn't you have a crush on him or something?"

"Who told you that?!" She frowned, but was still so red.

"It's just something I heard." You shrugged.

"Did Levi tell you anything?" Your head immediately snapped in her direction as you frowned.

"No. He never told me anything!" You said, kind of annoyed he never told you anything. "Well regardless, I think you'd be a great mom."

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