Chapter 23: 🍋's

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Unable to get the thoughts of your wedding night out of your head, you pushed open the tent entrance only to look down at your husband in just his briefs.

God this was not helping...

You stripped yourself from your pants and underwear but kept his shirt on. You walked over to where he laid, and you crawled over his body and his eyes opened to you kissing his lips. You slowly brought your hands up to his to interlock your fingers while you grind your hips against him, feeling him slightly grow under you.

When you pulled away from his lips you caught his lips tugging upwards into a half smirk. "Well hello to you too." He kissed you again and he pulled his hands away from yours and he sat upright wrapping his arms around your lower back. "What's got you all in the mood?" He looked down at your bare legs.

"Hm... well a conversation I was having got me thinking about our wedding..." you ran your hands down his bare chest and down his abs. "Which led me to think about our wedding night." You bit your lip and looked up in his eyes as you pushed his briefs down, letting his erection spring free. You moved in and kissed his lips. "And then I thought of how you fucked me so hard that night," you said seductively against his lips, "three times." You grabbed a hold of his member, causing him to let out a noise from deep inside his throat.

You stroked him a few times before swirling the pad of your thumb over his slit, picking up the pre that had escaped from it. You brought it up to your mouth and sucked on it, tasting him. He grabbed your chin forcefully and pulled your lips to meet his. You gasped out as he tugged you upwards from behind, pushing you further up his legs. You moaned out as he forced a single digit inside of you, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth.

His hand that gripped your chin, was now holding the back of your neck tightly. Forcing you to keep your face close to him as you guys made out. His grip would only tighten around your neck when you would moan from his finger moving in and out of you. You could feel your wetness already leaking down the side of you and you wanted to so desperately have him inside you now.

You reach down to his length and try to raise yourself to push him in, but with his hand down there, he held you in a way that forced you to stay still. You cried out in his mouth as he slipped another digit inside of you and began to move them against that one wall, making you squirm. He wasn't slowing down and you could feel your climax start to build deep in your abdomen. He started to pump his fingers in and out of him and you tried to pull away from his lips as you needed some form of release, but his nails dug into your skin forcing you still.

Your legs began to shake and right as your climax was about to shatter though your body, he pulled his fingers out of you and he pulled away from your lips. You whined out and your face fell to his chest.

"W-what are you doing?!" You snapped, out of breath, and with his hand he forced you to look up in his eyes.

"I like to see you all frustrated like this." He taunted you and you were about to smack him, but he forced his fingers in your mouth and down your throat, gagging you. Your eyes squeezed shut as your lips wrapped themselves around him. "How do you taste?" He asked, pulling his fingers out, and you gasped for air, your eyes watering.

You frowned at him and gripped the back of his neck now. "You tell me." You pushed your tongue into his mouth, holding the back of his head firmly so he wouldn't pull away. He moaned against your lips as your tongues swirled around each other, forcing him to get the sweet taste that was in your mouth. You grabbed onto his length and pushed him inside of you. You let out a satisfied moan as you felt him fill you up, but you cried out as you felt a stinging sensation linger on your ass.

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