Chapter 13: Captain (Y/n) Never Left

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You woke up to someone shaking your arm and you groaned out in annoyance slapping the person's hand away.

You heard his low laugh, and he brushed your cheek lightly with his fingers. "Did you forget how early a scout needs to wake up?" Levi asked and you opened your eyes slowly. "Come on, you have ten minutes to get ready." He tugged on your arm, but you fought him and rolled away, your hand still in his. "Well... (Y/n), don't be mad at me..." You heard him, but you were too tired to say anything back.

You felt the covers be ripped off of your body and before you could turn to see what he was doing you screeched at him slapping your ass, waking you up completely.

"What the fuck was that?! Asshole!" You shot up and smacked him across the shoulder.

"I tried waking you up nicely." He put his arms up in surrender. You rolled your eyes at him, ripping your clothes from his hand and stormed to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

After scolding while finishing getting dressed, you both finally started to make your way to the Survey Corps.

You were so fucking tired, and you couldn't hide the fact as you yawned multiple times before arriving. You rubbed your eyes one final time before hearing the horses from the stables. "Nice to be back, huh?" Levi asked, and when you looked at him you saw that emotionless face he put on for everyone.

"I was here yesterday." You said flatly and his head darted in your direction, glaring at your tone. You yawned again, trying to get them all out before anyone else sees you. Before you could even finish your yawn, you were immediately tackled to the floor and you heard three very loud voices talking to you all at once.


"We heard the news and we're so happy you're here!" Connie shouted in your ear.

"Honestly we would have been all dead if we went to Marley without you! I'm forever grateful for your return!" Sasha cheered in your ear.

"Oi! Get off of her." You heard Levi as he yanked them all off of you. They all made noises like they were in pain and you finally stood up, getting a good look at them.

"Holy shit!" Was all you could manage to say.

They looked so old now! It wasn't just their hair and height that changed, but their faces, the boys grew facial hair and all of them looked like they've matured so much. "Handsome right?!" Jean raised his eyebrows, while touching his beard.

"Uh- I mean-" You smiled trying to find words and it sent Sasha and Connie into a laughing fit.

"Told you, you're still ugly!" Connie cackled, holding his stomach from laughing too much.

"HAHA! Horse face really thought if he grew hair on his face he'd look good!" Sasha was now leaning on Connie as they bursted into a bigger laughing fit.

"Why, you little-" Jean put himself in a fighting stance and the other two did as well, all of their faces turning serious and you rolled your eyes at their idiocy.

"Knock it off." Levi stepped between them, smacking them all in the back of the head. "You guys need to head out and finish up the railroad." He added.

"Yes, Captain!" They all said in unison.

"It's nice to have you back, I missed you." Sasha said to you, smiling before she turned and took off to join the boys.

"It's nice to see they haven't changed, personality wise I mean." You said looking up at Levi.

"Right, how dare they get so big." Levi said and you giggled, covering your mouth a bit. "Come on, let's go find Hanjie." Levi added, pulling you towards the Commander's office.

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