Chapter 22: Uncle Athen

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When you reached the fire where Zeke was sitting, reading his book, just the mere sight of him pissed you off. You walked over to him and ripped the book out of his hand.

"Well hello to you too, (Y/n)." Zeke said, leaning his chin on his hand, eyeing you as you pulled a box to sit next to him. "What did I deserve to be so lucky to be graced with your beauty tonight?" He smiled at you.

"I need to know what's up with your plan..." you stated. "Because we're keeping you alive to see where it could go, but I can't help but assume you're making all of this shit up so we won't have someone eat you, giving us another Titan to protect us against your home coming to attack us." You narrowed your eyes on him, and he fiddled in his seat unomfortably.

"I just want to meet Eren, that's all." He gave you a sheepish smile, and you never stopped frowning at him. "Besides, why so eager to kill me? We're on the same side now." He questioned, stupidly.

"You're not particularly someone I care to see alive. I lost a lot of people because of you, and I'm not about to lose anymore." You said.

"You guys have killed many of my people too."

"Can you blame us? Look at the world your home forced on us." You countered and he nodded, looking around at all the scouts.

"Is there any wine left? Why don't we share a bottle for the night?" Zeke offered and you shook your head.

"No wine for me. But there's still plenty left." He looked weirdly bothered by this.

"Why no wine?" He looked down your body and made a face like he knew why. "Are you with child?" He asked, and you immediately shook your head. "Ah..." He sounded defeated. "Probably bad timing anyways, considering the situation you're in. Being with child while fighting isn't healthy for either of you." He suggested and your brows furrowed at him, forcing him to clear his throat.

"Why would I need to fight? Aren't we just taking you to talk to Eren." Your intimidating gaze never left him.

"You know, you and your husband have to stop looking at people like that. One day someone will actually shit themselves." He stated, trying to smile to get you to relax around him, but it wasn't working. "Speaking of your husband-"

"No." You cut him off.

"Jesus, you guys are in love but don't like to talk about each other. I'm not trying to get anything on him, I just want to know..." He looked down, looking all shy for some reason. "What's it like being married to him?" When he looked back up to you, it freaked you out how curious he actually looked in his question.

"Um- it-it's good." You answered hesitantly.

"Really? With so little emotion, you're happy with that?"

"He's not really like that with me." You stated.

"Ah! So you're his weak spot." He pretended to write a little note in his hand, but then smiled playfully at you. "I'm just kidding, but it's nice to know he was actually able to find a woman." Your face relaxed a bit, but you were still slightly on edge. "Levi mentioned you had a daughter too? That must be nice." You were only staring at him, not exactly sure what he was trying right now...

Was he genuinely curious?

"Yes... I do have a daughter back home."

"Aw, what's her name?" He leaned closer to you, and you shook your head, not wanting to tell him. "That's fine, hopefully one day you'll trust me enough to tell me." He shrugged. "Let's see..." He looked up at the trees and sky. "What else do I want to know about you?"

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