Chapter 40: Eren

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It was like you couldn't hear anything anymore, or see. Your eyes were open, you could see the sky and the bones of Eren's Founding Titan, but it was all a blur... Maybe it was the tears in your eyes, but nothing was clear.

You could hear muffled sounds, like someone was talking to you or to each other. But the running thoughts through your head didn't let you hear what anyone was saying.

Athen... that's all you could think about. Athen, your brother.

Oh god... He was gone. That weight in your chest came again and you could feel your tears now slide the sides of your cheeks.

"I'm sorry." You heard clearly in your ear now. "I'm sorry." You shook your head, you wanted to speak but you couldn't bring yourself to.

Your mind only ran with memories of you and your brother throughout the years, especially when you were younger and it was just you and him, he took care of you so much.

"Captain!" You heard a little girl's voice. "They're getting closer to the Titan that took Armin!" She said,

"Just give me a minute." You heard Levi say, he was still holding onto you.

"Captain (Y/n)! WAKE UP!" Your eyes shot open. "We're still in a war! here We can mourn your brother after!" Gabi was now in your line of sight. "We need you! More than anything right now!" She was practically shaking you.

"Knock it off, Gabi! Give her a minute!" Levi groaned, but you slowly tried to push yourself up. "(Y/n), it's okay-"

You sat upright now, and you looked at Gabi, her face filled with rage and concern, her eyes locked on you.

You felt hands cup your face and your view of Gabi was blocked before you could hear Gabi shout that they needed you again. "Hey, look at me." You heard Levi's voice and he shook you a bit, forcing you to look at him. "I never want to do this to you, I never want to throw you in a dangerous situation like this, but everyone needs you." He said, and you noticed he was taking off his gear. "This world needs you. Eren needs you." Your eyes flicked up to his, and it was like suddenly you could see clearly again, and you stared at his face.

He was right, you needed to fight... not just for you, for all of those you cared for. For your friends... your family, not the one you were born into, but the one you had built along in your life. Ava, Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Leo, Kuchel and the man you are staring at right now. The man you vowed to love till the end of time. And today was not going to be that end.

And Eren, it was time to end his suffering... and time to set him free.

Your hand met Levi's, his ODM grazed your fingers and you nodded. You were quick to now take your gear off to replace it with Levi's, one that wasn't damaged.

As you switched your gears, you looked at Gabi again, who looked as if she was as proud of you as anyone could be right now. You immediately wiped the tears that were left on your cheeks. You couldn't let your emotions get in the way, no matter how hard all of this was, you had to do what was right for not just you, but for the rest of the world.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Levi ask for you, but you looked down as Falco shifted in a way where you could see the battle happening below you. Seeing Mikasa and Annie fighting side by side. Annie punching and kicking, taking down every Titan that tried to get in her way. "(Y/n)?" You heard him ask again, but without saying anything to anyone, you closed your eyes, hearing Athens' voice in your head.

Come on (Y/n).

He's right... 'Come on (Y/n)'. You thought to yourself and when you opened your eyes, you let out a sigh of relief as you saw everything moving slow.

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