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As the storm passes, the sun rises and the sky lightened. I woke up laying next to Aizawa sleeping so peacefully. I didn't wanted to wake him so I gently removed the blanket off of me and started to leave the bed. "You aren't planning of sneaking out of here are you?". He said grabbing my arm not even opening his eyes to see. I nervously said "I'm just going to the restroom". He then opened one eye before letting go of my arm. "Sheesh what kind of person does he take me as?". I thought to myself as I walked out the room. Now entering the bathroom I began taking off my clothes as I closed the door to take a shower. In the shower I stood there daydreaming about last night over and over again. As the hot water run through my hair and down my body all I could've thought about was the heat of his hands rubbing across my body and touching me. But then another thought came by disrupting me. "So what are we? Are we like dating?". I laughed. "I doubt it. I then continued on showering.

After a while I was done and got dressed and was about to leave. I went to find him in the kitchen drinking coffee. "Thanks for taking care of me last night. I uhm appreciated it so I'm leaving now". "You sure your okay to leave? I can take you home if you wanna." He said. But I insisted that I'm fine to leave on my own.  I quickly went home to prepare for school. Approaching my house I find Ash outside about to leave for school. "Hey where you just coming from". She said coming over to me. "I'm kind of in a rush to get dress for school" I said ignoring her question and continuing walking inside.  "okay I'll wait until your done".  I quickly went inside grabbing my uniform from the closet and quickly got dressed. I then grabbed my electric brush and brush through my curls to straightened it. My hands were tired but I made it work.

Running out the house towards Ash who actually waited on me I said "Okay lets go". She stood there with this amazed look on her face. I don't know if she was impressed on how fast I've gotten dressed or that my  hair is straightened. So we both went on walking to school together. As I entered the gates of school Allmight  approached me saying "ah finally I've been meaning to tell you something." I stood there looking at him confused. "I heard that since your after school classes started you've been improving with your work. Keep it up". He said as he pats my shoulder and walks away. "Couldn't he just told me that in class? He's my teacher for Christ sakes". I said walking to class. As approaching class I saw Allmight standing out the door talking to someone else. As I got closer I noticed that it was Aizawa. "What is he doing there?" I thought . I'm just gonna walk straight pass and not say anything. 

As walking in between their conversation to enter the room. I felt his hands glide across my waist as I walked in. I immediately turned around to see him looking back smirking. I quickly turned back around and went to my seat. "Is this man crazy or is he just trying to mess with me again". I thought. So I decided to play along, I sat down pulling my hair up as if I'm tying it up to expose my tattoo whiles tilting my neck dragging my fingers alongside down to my chest. I didn't have to look back to tell he was looking and fully attentive. I dropped my book on the floor just to lean over and pick it up whiles seductively flicking my hair back whiles looking at him smiling then turning back around. I just know he's loving it.

*Bell rings*. "Okay class since today his hero training we'll be having a guest joining us today". Allmight said as Mr. Aizawa walks into the classroom. "One unlucky student will have to spar with him today since the class number is uneven. Knowing he would wanna spar with me I turned to a male classmate saying "Wanna fight against me?" And before he could've answered Aizawa said "Miss Honda you will be my partner today. I slowly turned my head around saying "I'm fine with this student here". I said as I wrapped my arms around his. "Well its not what you want its what I say." He then proceeds to give the guy a death stare making him pull away from me. "Okay fine, I'll fight you." I said raising my hands slightly. Allmight proceeded to team up the rest of the class into pairs. He looks at me with a smirk on his face as if he's won the war. But little do he knows the battle has just begun.

The class was then sent out to get dress in their hero outfits. I don't have any expectations of being a hero in the near future. And I rarely use my quirk and I merely use it for self defense. But today I feel like using it. Walking into the locker room to change into my costume I noticed that everyone own is so flashy and obvious that their a hero. Mines isn't the best but it isn't the worst either. Its simple but fierce at the same time. I quickly got dressed and went to the battle field. Most people think I'm the weakest since I don't use any special weapons or tools when I'm fighting. They think I'm over confident in my powers but like I always say either I win or lose, live or die. That's just how it works. 

My costume is completely different from what my quirk is

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My costume is completely different from what my quirk is. Looking at it first hand you'll probably be guessing about something different and that's why I like it. Its not easy to depict what my powers may be from looking at it so I can use it for my advantage.

Entering the battlefield with hopes of winning whatever we have to do. "Okay class today were doing a physical and quirk test called touchdown! You must use your physical abilities and quirk abilities to take down your opponent to ground. Its either touchdown or be takedown. There are several areas where you can fight without the distraction and interruption from other students. All fights will be shown on the big screen for me to see so Have fun and do well." Allmight said explaining the rules. "I'm not gonna go easy on you cause your a student". Aizawa said walking past me. I smartly said "I wouldn't expect you to. It'll make me look bad". Some of the students heard out conversation and started to look in our direction. Him looking around to see him being the center of attention he just nods and walks away to our fighting location. The excitement was eating me up inside and soon the fights started.

I quickly moved over to our location and he was nowhere to be seen. So I carefully began walking around trying to sense his location but his stealth mode is something else. As walking I then sense a slight breeze approaching my neck so I quickly turned around  to see it was his scarf coming at me with such force. If I was one second too late to move one choke hold would've been enough to throw me down unaware. "Nice reflexes" He said dangling from the ceiling. " Thanks I said". Waving one hand whiles the other hands behind my back using the heat/fire element of my quirk to heat the iron bars that he was hanging from. My plan was not to burn him so I directed it the bars to fulfil the purpose of setting the fire alarms on so water can spree everywhere. Feeling the heat he quickly retreated down to the ground. Where I used the water to turn the platform into his. To limit his abilities of running or moving quickly. 

Seeing him sliding around trying to get a good grip of the ground I began sliding towards him hoping to to take him down. But I wasn't careful enough. He then uses his scarfs to also push himself towards me. So we both we sliding fast towards each other but I still was determine to win until I got distracted by my past social care agent Lina. She was standing nearby talking to Allmight. I lost all my focus when I saw here and suddenly I felt Aizawa hands holding my hands trying to pushing me down to the floor when I suddenly use my air to keep my hovering over the ground. Seeing me floating he  then erases my quirk making me fall again to the floor I quickly rested my palms flat down on impact and pushing my body between his legs and before he could've turned around to stop me I used my heels to push his left leg in causing him to drop on his knee. I stood behind him whispering in his ears "You're already your knees for me?". He then turned around grabbing my wait to throw me down but I managed to flip his our attack making him land onto the floor with me sitting on top of him.

"Looks like I won daddy" I seductively said before grinding slightly before getting up and sexily walking away. Allmight and other completed students congratulated me on winning. Soon everyone battles was done and class was over and everyone was leaving until Aizawa pulled me away into this enclosed dark room.

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