Forty Five

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"Okay so whats the game plan". I asked myself as I walked throughout the mall looking for a dress to wear. "What was the theme again?" I suddenly stopped checking my pockets and bag for the invite. "Ah crap I left it home". I stood there in and frustration for about a minute. "i think it was an black out masquerade ball". I said continuing walking throughout the mall.

I so happened to stumble upon an store that sell dresses exactly for this occasion. I quickly went and and took a quick look around. And those dresses were so beautiful its too bad that I don't want to be that bold. I went to the worker behind the counter saying "Hi. I um have a masquerade ball to attend tonight and I want a dress that pretty and nice but not too much something really subtle." She walks from behind the counter standing directly in front of me smelling like fresh roses and lavender.

She the took her hands gently resting the on my shoulders the caress her way down to my waist then to my ankle. I got butterflies. This was something new and I liked it. She was so gorgeous aswell. She then snaps me out of thought saying "what color are you looking for ma'am"? "Oh black please". Her face lit up with a smile as she said "I was hoping you say that. I have the perfect thing for you." She then rans to the back to get it. I just sat waiting for her arrival.

In less than two minutes she returned with a bag that has the dress inside. She handed it to me saying "Try it on". As she grabs my hand carrying me to the dressing room. As I got in she politely said "I'll wait out until your done". As I took the dress out my jaw dropped. That was the most out there but subtle dress at the same time. It was hella gorgeous. I then stepped into the dress fixing it correctly but I needed help to fix my zipper. So I stepped out but before I could've asked she spins me around walking closer behind me pulling my hair to one side as she leans in zipping me up saying "all done".

She then turned me to face the mirror as she said "take a look" the dress really was more revealing than I thought. The large split in the front was so scary but sexy at the same time but nevertheless I looked stunning and I wanted it. I told her that I'll take it and quickly took it off to purchase it. It was a bit costly but It was totally worth it. As I paid and got the dress I thanked her for her help and was about to walk out before she stopped me saying "didn't you said that it was a masquerade ball? Don't you need a mask?

I stopped again in my tracks walking back int the store. "Im sorry it totally slipped my mind. She then went down and pull out a black mask for me. It was breath taking. I turned to get my wallet out my bag when she leaned over the counter holding my hand saying "don't worry about it. This one's on the house". I looked up to see her starring deeply into my soul but in a calm good way. "No please let me pay". " oh but I insist.."she said smiling. She placed it in the bag and gave it to me saying. "Enjoy your ball !" I bowed to thank her once more as I exited the store. After I left the store I went to find me matching heels for the dress and quickly made my way home.

Did yall peep Toru's bi panic? 🤭

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